Here it is: Part Three of my New Years Eve Trilogy of Trump’s statements about the wall.
Actually, I’ve cheated. This Twitter post was sent out yesterday. But close enough.
As part of his communication about the border barrier as of late, the tweet is of special note.
While congressional Democrats toe the hardline of ultimate border security refusal as part of their anti-Trump stiffening, partial government shutdown — like Celine Dion’s heart — goes on.
Over the past 24 hours, The Donald’s let us know that the wall — which, as acknowledged in Part Two, is still, to some degree, a literal wall — is alive and well. And he’s waiting to get down to business to attend to its construction, as indicated in Part One.
With Democrats more than dipping their toes in hypocrisy (see here and here), Trump made a very angular point with a respectful dig into left-wing icon Barack Obama’s own palatial digs:
“President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!”
President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 30, 2018
This is, at the same time, the simplest, corniest, and most profound point to be made, in my estimation, regarding congressional refusal over the wall for political refusal’s sake. It may elicit eyerolls from Democrats; but it’s foundational and significant. One need only grasp the need for a front door with a lock on it, to comprehend the need for a secure border (here). If Nancy Pelosi has a secure home, she understands the need for a secure country. Any words to the contrary are, in meat parlance, baloney.
If Obama has a ten-foot wall, how could those who sing his praises condemn the same application by a Republican to national security?
It’s all nonsensical posturing, because the Dems have painted themselves into a corner, as I explained in Part Two. Like Elvis, they’re “caught in a trap; [they] can’t walk out.” Which leads me to the third and final installment of the King’s 70’s-era rock-out. Two versions! Enjoy below.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: a Christmas miracle, a horrible tragedy, and a man without a vagina.
Find all my RedState work here.
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