It’s always curious when a group that claims to be on the side of people doing as they please is abjectly against that very thing.
Despite the Left’s understanding of the concept, an inherent part of being free to do what you want is not having to do what you don’t.
That hasn’t quite caught on over there yet, so two Christian artists are looking at possible jail time.
Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski are proprietors of Arizona’s Brush & Nib Studio, where they employ calligraphy, hand-lettering, and painting to make custom artwork.
The ladies have declined to make art for same-sex weddings, but a Phoenix ordinance doesn’t much appreciate that. The pair face up to six months’ imprisonment and/or $2,500 for each day of their refusal to service the events.
They’ve filed suit against the city, having lost in an appeals court and now awaiting their date with the Supreme Court of Arizona.
The Alliance Defending Freedom, which also represents famed Colorado baker Jack Phillips (who’s back in court himself — here), has presented a petition on their behalf. It asks the following:
Does Phoenix violate the Arizona Constitution’s Free Speech Clause when it forces commissioned artists to create custom artwork—consisting of words and paintings—conveying messages they object to and when it bans commissioned artists from publishing a statement explaining the artwork they can and cannot create?
Does Phoenix violate Arizona’s Free Exercise of Religion Act when it uses criminal penalties—including jail time—to force commissioned artists to create custom artwork expressing messages that violate their sincerely held religious beliefs and when it bans religiously motivated speech?
The imploration explains the reason for the ladies’ refusal:
Their Christian beliefs forbid them from creating ‘custom artwork that conveys messages condoning, supporting, or participating in activities or ideas that violate their religious beliefs. For example, they cannot create artwork expressing messages that “contradict biblical truth, demean others, endorse racism, [or] incite violence.”
ADF points out that many legislators have sided with Joanna and Breanna:
The Arizona attorney general joined by other states, numerous state lawmakers, various scholars, and a diverse array of business, artistic, and faith-based groups have filed friend-of-the-court briefs with the Arizona Supreme Court in support of preserving artistic and religious freedom. Specifically, the briefs support two Phoenix artists who face jail time and fines if they violate a sweeping Phoenix criminal law that forces them to design and create custom artwork expressing messages that violate their core beliefs.
Meet the women in the video below.
Many on the Left frequently cite tyranny and fascism as being qualities of conservatism. However, I can’t help believe that, were they introduced to it, they would revel in the delicious pleasure of knowing the definition of words. You can’t try to force people to do things while simultaneously decrying the horror of not being able to do things. At least, not without seeming less than smart. Or remotely right.
Meanwhile, Right vies for the win, in the Arizona Supreme Court. Hopefully, justice will prevail — the justice of liberty and the American way. An America wherein one may live according to one’s convictions, not under the tyranny of those of others.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
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