
“We’re Ready to Fight!” -Mark Meadows and Freedom Caucus Release Statement: President Trump, Veto the Bill, Fund the Wall!

- Desember 20, 2018

“We’re Ready to Fight!”

House Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Mark Meadows took to the House Floor on Wednesday night. Meadows encouraged President Donald Trump to veto legislation that does not include border wall funding.

The Freedom Caucus is listening to the voters!
Defend this country, Mr. President! Build the border wall!

Here is video of Mark Meadows on the House floor encouraging President Trump to listen to the will of the people.

The House Freedom Caucus sent out an email last night in support of a border wall:

House Freedom Caucus members held a special order on the House floor tonight calling for $5 billion in border wall funding and an end to “catch and release” policies as part of any government funding bill on the floor this week. HFC Chairman Mark Meadows led the special order.
Statement from Chairman Meadows:
“The president many months ago said he wouldn’t sign another funding bill unless we gave him wall funding. So what did this House do? It passed a bill to fund the Department of Defense and passed a short-term CR and said, ‘You know what? We’re going to have that fight, but we’re going to have that fight after the midterms.’ You know what, Mr. Speaker? It’s after the midterms. And we’re here to say that we’re ready to fight on behalf of all the freedom-loving Americans to make sure we have secure borders. Mr. President, we’re going to back you up. If you veto this bill we’ll be there. But more importantly the American people will be there. They’ll be there to support you. Let’s build the wall and make sure that we do our job in Congress.”
VIDEOS from Freedom Caucus Members: 

The post “We’re Ready to Fight!” -Mark Meadows and Freedom Caucus Release Statement: President Trump, Veto the Bill, Fund the Wall! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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