
Where’s the Outrage? Mexico Closes its Border Over Illegal Immigration from Another Country

- Desember 14, 2018



In case you haven’t heard, the United States — or at least President Trump and his followers — well, they’re racist. Why? Because they want borders to their country. And a system in place, allowing law-abiding folks to breach them. And that system, it should be noted, negatively affects would-be criminals who aren’t white. And if you haven’t been paying attention, that equals racism. Or something like that. For some reason. Or so it’s been said.

Well, what, then, when the alleged victims of racism employ the same practice? Mexico has closed its border. The purpose: to prevent illegal immigration. From Guatemala.

Mexico’s new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, ain’t playin’. His administration has moved to shut the door to Guatemala, in order to prevent more of the migrant caravans from flooding Mexico.

The country’s interior secretary Olga Sanchez, sounds like a conservative:

“Do you know why [migrant caravans crossing into Mexico] is no longer an issue? Because in five days, this administration solved the issue. Five days. The United States was impressed.”


“In the south, there will be only one entry, on the bridge. Anyone who wants to enter illegally, we are going to say: ‘Get in line and you can enter our country.’”


Law and order????

Shutchyer mouth!

As reported by The Washington Times:

Discussing the entry of migrants, [Sanchez] said the new administration will end the practice of undocumented or illegal crossings over the Suchiate River, which marks much of the border between Mexico and Guatemala.

And there’s also this:

The new administration has mobilized material and equipment to improve conditions at the migrants’ shelter in the northern border city of Tijuana, but problems continue because the Central Americans there are frustrated by the slow pace at which U.S. officials are processing asylum requests.

They are “frustrated,” because they were lied to; they believed, thanks to the Left, that they’d be welcomed in (here and here), or they’d be able to easily crash the gate (which they tried — here). But no such luck, because Donald Trump is a bit like Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in the “playin'” department (herehere, here, and here).

So what’s a migrant caravan to do? Many of them just want to go home now (here). So Mexico is helping with that:

Sanchez Cordero said Mexico will promote a “Christmas at Home” campaign to encourage many of the migrants to return to their home countries for the holidays.

That sounds like a happy Christmas ending for all involved. In the meantime, Do You Hear What I Hear? Is that the Left, condemning Mexico — a “people of color” country — for enforcing immigration law? Nope; when it doesn’t concern the GOP, it’s a totally Silent Night.


Relevant RedState links in this article: hereherehereherehere, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: James “Hero” Woods, my Thanksgiving letter of thanks, and the fallacy of gettin’ nekkid.

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