
HUGE REVELATION! DEEP STATE LIED! Investigated Trump Campaign with FOUR SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL PROBES – All With Separate Code Names!

- Januari 14, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

How many FBI investigations were there related to Trump? Based on evidence – one enterprise investigation and at least four separate investigations.

The individual investigations were likely set up against Carter Page, Papadopoulos, General Flynn and Manafort.  This is why they went after these four with a vengeance after the election – to try and find anything on them so their illegal spying would not appear so illegal!

Below is a thread from Nick Weil on Twitter that presents a plausible analysis on the number of investigations that the FBI had on President Trump – all based on a fake dossier. Based on reports to date there is enough evidence to shut down the Mueller investigation and have the Obama far-left goons in the FBI and DOJ arrested and in jail –

There were four separate code names that we now know of but does this imply four separate investigations?

As has been suspected to date, the FBI had four separate investigations – one each on Flynn, Papadopoulos, Carter Page and Manafort. [This is why they were all targeted by Mueller – to attempt to find anything on these individuals to support their spying on them and Trump!] –

The FBI opened up an “enterprise” investigation – which refers to a special kind of investigation –

An “enterprise investigation” is not related to an individual – it’s rather used to obtain information on a crime family or drug ring –

So the FBI opened up an “individual” type investigation on Carter Page –

It appears that the FBI had an “enterprise” investigation on the Trump campaign [no doubt related to the Clinton paid for Fusion GPS fake dossier] and four individual investigations, all with code names –

The one entity that ties all the separate individual investigations together is the Trump campaign –

It looks like former Representative Trey Gowdy knows this based on his questioning –

“Latitude” and “Dragon” were code names for two of the individual investigations [these people were dishonest and sick] –

Overall the evidence show one overarching “enterprise” investigation with four sub-queries or individual investigations all with separate code names –

So the lying FBI and DOJ would not accurately answer the US House of Representatives’ questions into how many investigations were there? They played word games rather than tell the truth. [They learned from their master Bill Clinton – It depends what the definition of is is!]

We’re getting closer –

The entire Obama Administration was corrupt and criminal in their actions. They spied on the Trump campaign to give them an advantage in the election and to possibly find dirt that the Hillary Administration could indict him on.

POLL: Should Trump Declassify The FISA Documents To Expose The Deep State?

When Trump did the impossible – and won the election – they put in place their insurance policy – to accuse and indict President Trump on make believe charges of being a Russian puppet created by the Hillary team in hopes of getting rid of the one person who could out all their previous crimes. These are very bad people!

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