Lindsey Graham’s becoming quite the Terminator.
On Fox News Sunday, in light of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health issues, the congressman had a mouthful of warning to potential radical goofballs in the event that the President faces another Supreme Court recommendation.
Host Chris Wallace lobbed:
“If you got Donald Trump — again, this is if — you have Donald Trump replacing a liberal icon like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, isn’t that a formula for — I mean, doesn’t that make the Kavanaugh hearings look like a tea party?”
Referencing Harry Reid’s rule-changing application of the nuclear option to Supreme Court confirmations, Lindsey struck with the force of a Louisville slugger against a fence-destined, red-stitched Rawlings cork-centered orb:
“They should have thought of that before they changed the rules. They try to destroy conservative judges. This decision by Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer may come back to haunt them but I am dead set on making sure it is a conservative nominee.”
Lindsey pointed out that, during Obama’s presidency, he voted to confirm POTUS’s nominees Sotomayor and Kagan.
Then, a warning:
“And elections have consequences. The rules of the Senate were changed not by me, by them, and we had to do it on the Supreme Court because they would not give us any votes to nominate anybody and Kavanaugh was a fine man, they tried to destroy him. All this is going to come back to haunt them one day.”
On the Right, Lindsey’s been a powerful voice as of late, garnering attention via his intense passion (here, here, and here). To watch flames shooting off the man, take a look at the video below, from the Kavanaugh hearings.
If you see an interview with the South Carolina senator, turn up the volume; you’re likely to hear something worth listening to. The same recommendation goes for Democrats ready to repeat the insanity of Kavanaugh (see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, and whole lot of other locations for left-wing Kavanaugh absurdity). Lindsey’s ready, and he’s got the Eye of the Tiger.
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The post Lindsey on Fire: If Ginsburg’s Replaced, Dems’ Kavanaugh Villainy ‘Going to Come Back to Haunt Them’ appeared first on RedState.