
Lunatic Leftists Doxed a Random Kid Thinking He Was in the Covington Video — Family Now Receiving Violent Threats

- Januari 21, 2019

The left has been running around with torches and pitchforks ready to destroy a group of Catholic teens for an awkward response to a leftist protester — and they doxed a random kid in the process.

Now, his family is receiving violent threats — and he wasn’t even there.

Soon after the incident, people began spreading photos of a teen named Michael Hodge — believing that he was Nick Sandmann, the teen who was confronted by the Native American activist. There are hundreds of tweets with his name, photos, and personal information about him and his family.

In their rush for blood, the left attacked this random teen.

On Sunday, the teen’s older bother, Andrew Hodge, took to Twitter to explain what his family has been going through since the mob began attacking them.

“Yesterday was supposed to be a day of celebration for my middle brother Alex, who got married last night. Instead my family had to deal with the fallout of my youngest brother #MichaelHodge being falsely accused for standing & smiling in front of an indigenous man with a drum,” the older brother wrote in the first of a series of tweets.

“People then proceeded to spam my family with harassments and threats of physical violence. We then find out our parents address was posted online. If that wasn’t enough, our family operated business has been slandered and attacked,” he continued.

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Hodge complained, rightly, that “no one reviews evidence or does any due diligence, they immediately escalate things to a state of frenzy over much of nothing. The zealots scream for the head of #MichaelHodge knowing that their will be zero consequences to them if anything happens to him.”

He added that his parents, uncles and aunts received messages calling them “pieces of sh-t” and threats warning that they “won’t be able to protect Michael Hodge forever.”

Hodge explained that his little brother is “the best kid I know” and volunteers for the Special Olympics.

The cyberbullies began posting details about his dream of becoming a chef and found the college that he is hoping to attend. The mob then began urging the school to rescind his acceptance, calling him a racist.

“You condemned my parents for being horrible role models, yet you jumped to conclusions and were ready to string up an innocent dude?” Hodge asked.

Hodge finished his statement by urging people to hold themselves to a higher standard and be better.

“We will all be better off for it,” he concluded.

The post Lunatic Leftists Doxed a Random Kid Thinking He Was in the Covington Video — Family Now Receiving Violent Threats appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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