The same far left media that ran with the junk Buzzfeed report on Friday is now smearing a group of pro-life high school kids in MAGA hats.
On Friday a group of pro-life high school boys who attended the March for Life went to check out the Lincoln Memorial.
While standing at the memorial a group(?) of Native Americans were beating drums at the public memorial.
One man, reportedly a Vietnam veteran, got up in one boy’s face and started screaming and beating his drum.
The video is going viral.
This MAGA loser gleefully bothering a Native American protestor at the Indigenous Peoples March.
— Talia (@2020fight) January 19, 2019
The children were chanting their school song.
A much older man approached a group of teenage boys who were ALREADY chanting a school song.
Although the teenage boys could have been more respectful, and should have been, the story was that they surrounded him.
— Mike Cernovich 🦍🇺🇸 (@Cernovich) January 19, 2019
The native American man APPROACHED the kids!
“Covington Catholic student bothering elder man” yet here is evidence of the man approaching them during their school cheer not disturbing anyone. Doesn’t make sense
— maria judy (@mariajudy_) January 19, 2019
Now the fake news media is blaming the children for harassing a Native American.
(Obviously, from the video the reverse is true — but we are talking about the fake news media.)
Now the left is blaming Trump and screaming holy hell at the high school children.
White boys mock Native elder at Indigenous Peoples March. I hope #NativeTwitter can help identify these punks! #indigenouspeoplesmarch
— Matt Remle (@wakiyan7) January 19, 2019
The Native American Nathan Philips said he was upset because he heard children yell build that wall.(?)
(They were chanting their school cheer.)
And now this…
The high school boy was doxxed by the liberal fascist mob.
The boys are from a Catholic HIGH SCHOOL in Kentucky!
Daily Beast doxxed the high school.
He’s a BOY!
The post PURE EVIL: Dems and Far Left Media Dox HIGH SCHOOL BOY in MAGA Hat for Standing Silent as Native American Approaches Him and Beats Drum in his Face! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.