
Push for Consistency: Activists Scale Wall of Pelosi’s Home, Demand to be Let in to Make a Sandwich

- Januari 15, 2019




One of the most transparent hypocrisies going right now is the state of Democrats opposing a wall for the security of the nation, while they themselves have a wall for their homes.

Why isn’t this being discussed more? As in, constantly?

Laura Loomer, a recently-Twitter-banned activist (see here), decided to call attention to the ridiculousness.

Nancy “Armageddon” Pelosi (see that — and so much more goofiness — here) has a reported net worth of $120 million. Still, the left-wing politican wants to spend the money of average Americans for high-dollar government programs. Except, that is, for the program of building a wall. Except, that is, before Trump took office (see that here).

Consequently, Laura took to the streets to make a point. The streets, that is, of Nancy’s elite California neighborhood.

A neighborhood, that is, in which she owns a mansion.

A mansion, that is, with a big ol’…what do you call those things? Oh, yeah — wall around it.

Accompanied by a small group of purported illegal immigrants from Guatemala, Laura hoisted a banner sporting the faces of victims of illegal alien violence.

They scaled the wall, intent upon seeing if Nancy locks her door.

In the video, Laura approached the front entrance of the Pelosi palace and demanded she be let in so she could make a sandwich.

Sadly, she went home without a BLT.

She might’ve gotten a mug, though. Shot, that is — the police showed up.

Hey — why did Pelosi have law enforcement remove everybody? A wall is an immorality.

Check out the video and pics below.



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Democrats collude, Democrats connive, and Democrats condemn.

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