
Another College Comes Out Against Constitution

- Februari 20, 2019

Students at Syracuse University in New York attempted to create a chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), but their application was denied. One of the reasons for this denial is because the group requires that members believe in the tenets of the U.S. Constitution, which the university says is “exclusionary to international students,” according to Campus Reform.

In their email rejecting the organization, they said:

The Board considers the ‘Sharon Statement’ to be contradictory to Article XI Statement of Non-Discrimination…Additionally, requiring students to agree in the superiority of the U.S. Constitution is exclusionary to international students and other individuals.

Koen Weaver, vice chairman of the YAF group, told Campus Reform 

While I understand the important job of the Office of Student Activities in confirming RSOs on campus, I am concerned by the bias and almost anti-Americanism displayed by our rejection.

I cannot fathom how an American University could find fault with students upholding and promoting the ideals of the U.S. Constitution. Calling the constitution non-inclusive, while completely ignoring the inflammatory rhetoric of the anti-Capitalist and anti-Israeli [rhetoric] of the university’s International Socialist Organization, shows the obvious political bias, if not the liberal indoctrination agenda of the Office of Student Activities.

This is hardly the first time the Constitution was under attack at a so-called institution of learning.

Remember, colleges and universities, even the private ones, get your tax dollars. On top of that, what are people spending to attend a college that says the Constitution is “exclusionary”? Almost $75,000 a year.

What an epic waste of money.


The post Another College Comes Out Against Constitution appeared first on RedState.


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