A court filing from Roger Stone’s attorneys documents how CNN was in possession of a sealed indictment long before the court ordered it to be released.
For weeks, we have been hearing CNN claim again and again that their presence at Stone’s home ahead of the FBI’s pre-dawn raid was a combination of “luck” and good reporting. They have since built on that fairy-tale, describing their propagandist filming of Stone’s arrest the result of watching “unusual grand jury activity” in the days leading up to January 25th.
However, we at The Gateway Pundit reported exclusively how the metadata on a draft copy of the indictment obtained by a CNN reporter and sent to Roger’s attorney after his arrest showed a save date of two days prior to the January 25th unsealing of the court documents following the Stone’s arrest. This proved that CNN illegally obtained a copy of the grand jury indictment, and now Mr. Stone’s attorneys are demanding the Mueller’s office explain themselves.
According to the filing, Stone is laying out exactly how CNN came into possession of the illegally leaked document, which lead to their “stake out” in front of Stone’s South Florida home an hour before the FBI arrived on scene. Last week, home surveillance video of the raid was released by Infowars, and showed FBI agents coordinating with CNN to position their film crew to televise Mr. Stone’s arrest.
Stone Motion To Show Cause … by on Scribd
This was meant to taint the jury pool and frame the longtime Trump advisor as some sort of violent criminal mastermind that required a heavily armed 29-member FBI strike force raid on his home, despite Stone being charged with non-violent process crimes on immaterial matters. Roger’s hearing impaired wife Nydia was even dragged from her bed barefooted onto the front lawn in the Gestapo-style raid and arrest.
An illegal leaking of the documents by the Office of the Special Counsel, which the evidence suggests, is a crime that should earn the person who leaked it imprisonment or a fine, preferably both. Further action should be considered in all honesty, since the leak came from someone within the Office of the Special Counsel, which is arguing for a gag order to be placed on Mr. Stone, so he doesn’t “taint the jury pool.”
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Obviously that is a laughable request given the fact that the Office of the Special Counsel, acting under the direction of Robert Mueller, have now been busted illegally leaking sealed court documents to CNN in an effort to taint the jury pool against Mr. Stone, who was dragged from his home wearing a “Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong” t-shirt.
CNN’s entire coven of Fake News peddlers should also issue corrections and apologies to the American public for lying about how they “just happened to be there” to film Stone’s arrest. It was not due to their monitoring of publicly available court documents or grand jury activity, it was due to an illegal leak that they have helped to conceal with their cockamamie cover story.
You can help Roger fight back against Robert Mueller and his goon-squad of politically motivated prosecutors by donating to stonedefensefund.com
The post BREAKING: COURT DOCUMENTS REVEAL Special Counsel’s Office Illegally Leaked Stone Indictment To CNN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.