Screenshot: YouTube
“The man who started the #WalkAway movement[Brandon Straka] just announced something that should have New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shaking in terror….That is why his announcement on Wednesday that he is seriously considering running against Ocasio-Cortez is a major blow to the Democrats.”
The Federalist Papers isn’t the only one talking about this. According to NBC News, Brandon Straka is the Leftists worst nightmare.
“Three months ago, Brandon Straka was a New York City hairstylist and aspiring actor with a small social media following. Now, he’s a frequent Fox News contributor with nearly 70,000 Twitter followers, whose posts have been shared by Donald Trump Jr. and Sarah Palin.”
It took 4 more paragraphs to admit this small little bit of information, (emphasis mine) Straka’s story of being, “a white, gay, …”
As stated above, this guy is Democrat identity politics’ worst nightmare. He checks all the required blocks but one, but he’s a former Democrat turned Trump supporter. Sometimes opportunity manifests in unexpected ways. A know-nothing little brat upsetting a long time Democrat politician in a “safe” seat, just might result in a Republican taking it back for the first time in decade. Who says, “Demographics must be destiny?”
Hat tip to Miss Ellen.
Mike Ford is a retired Infantry Colonel who writes on Military, Foreign Affairs and occasionally dabbles in Political and Economic matters.
You can find his other Red State work here.
He is also (reluctantly) on Twitter: @MikeFor10394583
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