
Confirmed: John Fry, the IRS Analyst Who Leaked Michael Cohen’s Tax Returns, is a Far Left Trump-Basher Who Supports Beto O’Rourke

- Februari 23, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

IRS leaker and criminal John Fry is a Trump-bashing loon.

John Fry, an IRS Analyst was arrested this past week for releasing former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s tax returns to creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti.  Although Fry’s social media accounts were suspended, what was found wasn’t surprising.

CNN reported that Fry was charged by the US Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California with unauthorized disclosure of a suspicious activity report, or SAR. Banks file SARs on any transactions that could be illegal.

John Fry, has been charged with leaking Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) belonging to Michael Cohen to attorney Michael Avenatti and a reporter for the New Yorker.

The complaint says that Fry admitted to disclosing the confidential records when confronted by agents.

Fry, according to the complaint, works as an investigative analyst for the IRS’s law enforcement arm, the Criminal Investigation Division.

Documents say he accessed databases and conducted specific searches.

CNN ran its story about the IRS leaker (Fry) without including his name in the article. Then, after getting called out on it, they revised the article and add Fry’s name. It took about an hour for that to happen. Unclear why they didn’t include it initially, or if they were trying to cover for him.

Fry’s major social media accounts were suspended. It was unclear if this was from Fry himself or from someone else. Fry’s Twitter account, Instagram account and Facebook account are gone. Left up are his LinkedIn page and his Flickr portfolio. As well as his personal website. One possibility is the political posts made on the major platforms are problematic so they needed to be taken down.

What was found on his social pages was not surprising –

Fry appears to be a far left nutter and a Beto fan – no surprise here.

Democrats and their followers believe breaking crimes to humiliate President Trump is the right thing to do.

Laws and ethics mean nothing to these people.

Hat tip Nick

The post Confirmed: John Fry, the IRS Analyst Who Leaked Michael Cohen’s Tax Returns, is a Far Left Trump-Basher Who Supports Beto O’Rourke appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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