
Great News! Superhero Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Gets Her Own Comic Book

- Februari 24, 2019



Alexandria Ocasio Cortez came out of nowhere, offering voters the promise of everyone getting everything all the time for everybody in every way just ’cause (here).

She went on television and told the camera all things could be free because things can do that and free is better and therefore the Nazis were right: Let’s do socialism (here).

She then comforted Americans by letting ’em know she was looking into the butts of cows for ways to make this nation all it can be (here).

…And that one day, the absence of planes would bring greatness (here).

She praised a tremendous loss of revenue from Amazon, which would then magically mean an increase in resources for New York (here).

So what’s all that mean?

She deserves her own superhero comic book, of course!

You’ll be ecstatic to learn that, on Friday, Devil’s Due Comics announced its planned “mother of all one-off commemorative comics: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And The Freshman Force. Issue #1, ‘New Party: Who Dis?’”

The title for the comic comes from AOC’s January response to Independent Sen. Joe Liebermann after he outwardly hoped she isn’t the future of the Democratic Party.

Her ingenius reply:

As reported by The Hill:

The Chicago-based publishing company said in a release that the new comic book will see Ocasio-Cortez “engage in a series of super-heroic mini-adventures, taking on the GOP establishment from within.”

“To boot, this anthology comic satirically skewers everyone from President Trump to his near-endless team of morally-compromised Republican cronies,” the company also said in the release, while also adding that book will feature “bonus” activities and games like “Where’s Mitch?”

Well that’ll be nice.

In a statement, the CEO of Devil’s Due, John Blaylock, explained that the company wants to “create something that celebrates the fresh new energy and diversity of the stagnated legislative body, and help some good causes at the same time.”

He said AOC’s coolness isn’t a secret:

“It’s no secret that AOC has been made the unofficial leader of the new school and has sparked new life into Washington. And that’s reflected in the enthusiasm we received from so many contributing artists.”

He clearly hasn’t been reading RedState.

It should be noted that, if Alexandria’s preferred economic system was fully activated, Devil’s Due would no longer exist as an independent company — it would, by way of socialism, be taken over by the federal government. Perhaps DD should trade a comic book for a dictionary.

Back to The Hill:

The publishing company also said it will redirect a portion of its sales from the new comic book featuring Ocasio-Cortez to the America’s United Service Organizations and RaicesTexas.org, which provides free legal services to underserved immigrant children, families and refugees.

There ya go, folks. You’ll have to make room in your busy reading schedule to follow the exploits of the Freshman Force. Hopefully, Issue #2 will have AOC team up with cows, for the Freshman Farts.



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehereherehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: gay bunnies, Galentine’s Day, and a Christian testimony.

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