
Congressional Black Caucus Members Form Protective Circle Around Ilhan Omar — STIFF ARM Reporters

- Maret 07, 2019

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was protected from reporters by fellow Democratic black members of Congress on Wednesday as they left a meeting on Capitol Hill. Congressional Black Caucus members formed a protective circle around Omar with one member, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH) literally stiff arming reporters, according to a report by a Politico’s Melanie Zanona.

Zanona appears to be the only member of the press to report on the muscling of reporters. No video has been posted even though numerous videos of Omar being queried by reporters have been posted this week.

CNN’s Ashley Killough posted video Tuesday night of Omar ignoring reporters:

NBC News’ Alex Moe posted video of the same media scrum:

Fox News’ Peter Doocy was seen questioning Omar earlier Wednesday several times, with Omar ignoring him every time.

In those instances, reporters did their job without interference and reported via video. The muscling of reporters by the Congressional Black Caucus has barely been reported and no videos posted even though Omar is a hot story on the Hill right now.

Perhaps the media is reluctant considering the ‘friend in high place’ of the CBC.

Writer Jeryl Bier re-upped a photo of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan with members of the Congressional Black Caucus from 2005 as part of his explainer why the CBC is rallying around Omar.

Interesting that no other reporter has reported on the muscling of the media by the CBC. Cue “if this had been a Republican…”

The post Congressional Black Caucus Members Form Protective Circle Around Ilhan Omar — STIFF ARM Reporters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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