
Is “The Next Obama” Andrew Gillum Plotting Presidential Run After Embarrassing Gubernatorial Defeat?

- Maret 18, 2019

Socialist Andrew Gillum, the former Mayor of Florida’s capitol city and failed Democrat gubernatorial candidate in 2018 will make a “big announcement” this Wednesday.

In the lead up to what many expect could be his official declaration as a presidential candidate or the launch of an exploratory committee, Gillum is promoting conspiracy theories about why he was defeated by Trump ally Ron DeSantis.

Over the course of his campaign, Gillum embraced many alt-left beliefs. He railed against capitalism, associated with radical Muslims and anti-Semites, threw Jewish journalist Laura Loomer out of a synagogue, and of course made everything wrong in Florida about President Trump.

During an appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher earlier this weekend, Gillum continued to push a long-debunked conspiracy theory that “if all the votes had been counted”, that he “would have won,” according to Florida Politics.

The self-identifying socialist ran on the Democrat line in 2018 and accepted defeat on election night before rescinding his concession. In the weeks that followed, he gained thousands of votes after Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and other Democrat election supervisors began discovering caches of “missing ballots” that of course only benefited far-left candidates like Gillum.

Snipes is a known ballot tamperer and election rigger, who had been admonished by the courts and election watchdog groups for years before she attempted to steal the election for Gillum, who many labeled as “The Next Obama,” due to his charisma and ability to turn out the black vote. Thankfully the legal process and thousands of patriots protesting the rigged recount put an end to the highly illegal efforts before Gillum’s allies could steal the election for him and presumably propel him to the presidency after serving one term as Governor of the Sunshine State.

He became one of the first candidates ever to lose an election several times in the matter of a few weeks, later blaming racism and voter ID laws for suppressing votes that he claimed would have propelled him to victory. Every single day since he was denied the Governor’s mansion, he has followed the playbook for high-profile individuals infected with severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome. From getting a gig on CNN to almost daily race-baiting and “it’s Trump’s fault” Twitter meltdowns, Gillum hasn’t skipped a beat or stopped raising millions of dollars into his political committee.

This Wednesday he is expected to announce that he will become a candidate for President or get involved in the 2020 election against Trump in some significant way… this Gateway Pundit reporter detailed those options in an article for the Central Florida Post last week.

His entry into the race should scare Republicans and Democrats alike. You must win Florida to win your party nomination for President and to win the White House once you get to the main contest. Gillum will benefit from a new law in Florida that allows felons to vote and endless promotion of his campaign by the mainstream media. Most importantly, if he decides to run, Gillum will be able to highlight how every announced or rumored to announce contender called him the “future” of the party in 2018.

How will they argue against him on a debate stage or stand against his ability to raise small dollar donations on a level that could dwarf the historic numbers posted by Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris? Gillum has every reason to give it a go, especially since he emerged victorious from a crowded field of Democrats in 2018 to capture the nomination for Governor, defeating well-moneyed establishment candidates with ease.

The Gateway Pundit will be covering his “announcement”. Stay tuned.

The post Is “The Next Obama” Andrew Gillum Plotting Presidential Run After Embarrassing Gubernatorial Defeat? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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