
PERFECT: Jewish Economist Paul Krugman and KKK Leader David Duke Both Embrace Ilhan Omar – The Circle Is Complete

- Maret 08, 2019

Earlier today Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed radical Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday as the “most important person in Congress.”

David Duke posted a photo of Ilhan Omar to his Twitter account on Thursday with a “heart eyes emoji,” showing his love for her after her recent comments disparaging Jews and Israel.

“By Defiance to Z.O.G. [Zionist Occupation Government] Ilhan Omar is NOW the most important Member of the US Congress!” David Duke said in a Twitter caption linking to his blog post.

David Duke praised Ilhan Omar on his podcast/blog for being the “one person in Congress willing to notice AIPAC and the “dual” loyalty of many members of Congress.”

And earlier today Jewish economist joined the far left to assure them Ilhan Omar and her hateful anti-Semitism is not the problem.

You just can’t make this up.

The post PERFECT: Jewish Economist Paul Krugman and KKK Leader David Duke Both Embrace Ilhan Omar – The Circle Is Complete appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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