
The Jerk: Elizabeth Warren Blames Her Family for Making Her Think She Was an American Indian

- Maret 20, 2019



Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is a goob.

The Massachusetts senator used a ridiculous idea — that she’s an American Indian — to her advantage for years.

Cultural/Racial appropriation, anyone (here)?

But she’s a Democrat, so among the social justice Left, it’s A-Okay.

Well, now there’s a new reason to let her off the hook: Her family lied to her.

They told her she was a darned Indian, so what was the clearly-white-as-the-Quaker-Oats-guy woman to do?

The idea brings to mind Steve Martin’s Navin in The Jerk — a white man adopted by a black family, who therefore believes he’s black.

Navin admitted he was a jerk. Elizabeth? Not so much. During a town hall event Monday night, she was asked about her handling of the idiotic exoticism tale:

“How do you respond to people who think that, regardless of the underlying facts, the way you handled the question of your Native American heritage was tone deaf and indicative of a lack of presidential tact?”

Cue dumbness:

“Well, ya know, I grew up in Oklahoma. I learned about my family from my family. And, um, based on that, that’s just kind of who I am, and I do the best I can with it.”


She went on to claim that an investigation proved her supposed Indian heritage never “played any role in any job” she ever got.


“I have now done 38 town halls in Massachusetts, last year. And this is my 32nd town hall since January. And what I’ve discovered is that people care a lot about what’s happening to their lives every single day and what touches them, like housing, and education, and health care. That’s the kind of reason that I’m in this fight and I’m going to stay in this fight, and I will tell you this: I’m going to fight it from the heart every inch of the way. I’ll do my best.”

She’ll do her best…as an American Indian (here).

In October, a DNA test revealed that the high-cheekboned squaw is as little as 1/1024 Indian.

Dang it — she coulda won a million dollars (here)

Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hostin was bummed, too:

”[Her lie and the attempt to suggest the DNA test proved her right] makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven.”

Did the fiction help her along the way? If it wasn’t set to assist, why would she have propagated it?

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire’s Joseph Curl, “Warren listed herself as Native American in the Association of American Law School Directory, and according to The Boston Globe, she ‘had her ethnicity changed from white to Native American at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she taught from 1987 to 1995, and at Harvard University Law School, where she was a tenured faculty member starting in 1995.’”

Way to go, Pocahontas.

Watch the videos below (especially the hilarious 2nd one).



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See 3 more pieces from me: Melania rallies, Hillary ludicrouses, and a fireman gets redeemed.

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