
WILD BRAWL Breaks Out In Chicago’s Gay Community Leading To Charges Of Racism And Transphobia (VIDEO)

- Maret 06, 2019

Guest Post By Bright Start News

A fight broke out recently at the Jackhammer bar on Chicago’s North side involving members of the LGBTQ community, leading to charges of racism and transphobia being leveled against “masc4masc white gays” that own and frequent the establishment.

The incident occurred when a fight broke out sometime after 4am. According to one witness account, everyone involved was ejected and that’s when all hell broke loose.

“the f*cking masc4masc white gays at jackhammer got a trans woman of color arrested last night and I’m so f*cking pissed f*ck these racist pieces of shit”

“do NOT support this establishment they pretend to be inclusive but actually hate anyone who’s not a cis masc gay”

Local blog, CWB Chicago, attempted to gather first hand information directly from the people involved (journalism), and quickly hit a brick wall of silence.

Jackhammer, the club at 6406 North Clark Street, is fending off online complaints that their staff and patrons were anti-trans and racist during the incident while other patrons have rushed to the club’s defense saying that people who acted violently needed to be removed regardless of their gender identities or any other factors.

CWBChicago reached out to three individuals, including one of the DJ’s who was working at the club on Sunday night to learn what they saw that led them to believe that individuals were unfairly treated by the club due to gender identities, race, or other factors. None offered any details.

That’s putting it lightly. These are the interactions CWBChicago had when they tried to communicate with people making the charges:

Woke4Clout responded:

nah 2 people were arrested and the accusation of battery is based on nothing

im aware that the employees of the bar were not the ones that called the police. doesn’t make the patrons not racist and transphobic. doesn’t make the bar not complicit in that shit.

Ah…so the allegation is “based on nothing” (the video tells a very different tale) and the bar staff wasn’t involved, but they’re still racist and transphobic?

Then the good folks at CWB reached out to someone else who was there, to try and get first hand information. Same brick wall.


What madness.

Of course, the club maintains that this is all absurd, and the video appears to confirm that.

Those people who are screaming “racist” were hitting the staff and threatening customers screaming and causing [an] all out melee.

The staff at Jackhammer handled the situation with as much professionalism as they could considering the violence being directed at them. None of them disrespected any of the members of that group. They were simply looking out for the safety of the rest of the patrons once fighting broke out. The group was asked to leave and when they didn’t more violence began….and not from the staff.

Amazing work by CWBChicago attempting to run down what happened!

Watch the video and decide for yourself:

The post WILD BRAWL Breaks Out In Chicago’s Gay Community Leading To Charges Of Racism And Transphobia (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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