
Analysis: Alyssa Milano’s Lady Parts Do Not Speak for Other Women’s Lady Parts

- April 04, 2019
Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano speaks to reporters at the Georgia capitol building 4/2/19. Screen grab via WSB-TV.

It is without fail that every time any legislation is introduced dealing with so-called “reproductive freedom”, it will degenerate – courtesy of hyperventilating Democrats – into a conversation about lady parts. What’s even worse than that is the mainstream media will, in turn, treat left-wing feminists as though they speak for all women.

Actress/activist Alyssa Milano is no exception to that rule. She was at the Georgia capitol building on Tuesday to blast state lawmakers over the fetal heartbeat bill and, like a true actress, played up the urgency of the situation for the cameras:

Actress and activist Alyssa Milano slammed male Georgia lawmakers for “voting on what goes on inside my uterus” on Tuesday while protesting the state’s pending fetal “heartbeat” abortion bill.

“These are the men voting on what goes on inside my uterus,” Milano said in a video posted on social media, while gesturing to a male Georgia state lawmaker who noted that she does not vote in his district.

Watch video of her meltdown below:

Milano, who bizarrely has quoted Biblical scripture to justify her position on abortion, also led a press conference where reporters kept the focus on her with their questioning:

When the hell did Milano become the spokesperson for all women? Women are a diverse lot with differing opinions on many topics, especially on the issue of abortion. Arguably there are just as many pro-life women in America as there are pro-abortion women, yet practically all we see on TV and in digital and print news reports when “female” issues crop up are the opinions of left wing feminists. It’s really frustrating.

In any event, Gov. Brian Kemp (R) told local media outlets that Milano’s foot-stomping wouldn’t factor into his decision-making process on the bill one bit:

“I can’t govern because I’m worried about what someone in Hollywood thinks about me,” Kemp told the newspaper. “I ran the last two years on these issues, and I got elected with the largest number of votes in the history of the state of Georgia, and I’m doing what I told people I would do.”

Good to know.

North Carolina faced a tidal wave of bad publicity and boycotts, including from Hollywood types, after the 2016 passage of the HB2 “bathroom bill.” Ultimately the economy here kept sailing along all during and beyond the storm. The same thing will happen in Georgia, regardless of any threatened Hollywood boycott.

As is often said, this, too, shall pass.

RELATED: Atlanta Media Drags Georgia’s ‘Corporate Powers’ Into Fetal Heartbeat Bill Debate

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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