
AOC Hypocritically Slams GOP for “Dangerous Rhetoric” Just a Day After She Put a Trump Official in Danger

- April 12, 2019
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14). Screen grab via Fox Business.

Another day, another instance of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) not practicing what she preaches.

On Wednesday, the freshman Congresswoman used her favorite social media bullhorn to blast “the GOP” for a fundraising email sent by an Ohio Republican group that called her a “domestic terrorist.”

The USA Today reports:

Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat representing New York who has become both a social media star and a favorite target for Republicans, was criticizing a fundraising email sent out by the Ohio College Republican Federation with the subject line: “AOC is a domestic terrorist.”

The email, which was posted by Dave Levinthal, a politics editor at The Center for Public Integrity, included that the conservative group was asking for donations to “stop the brainwashing” that has college students thinking that Ocasio-Cortez is a “role model”

“This puts me in danger every time. Almost every time this uncalled for rhetoric gets blasted by conserv. grps, we get a spike in death threats to refer to Capitol Police,” Ocasio-Cortez posted on Twitter. “Multiple ppl have been arrested trying to harm me, Ilhan, & others. @GOP, what’s it going to take to stop?”.

In response, an apology was issued:

Everyone in their right mind would agree that death threats are not acceptable at all, and that it’s not a good idea to randomly go around and call your political opposition domestic terrorists.

But where Ocasio-Cortez – and Omar and other Democrats who use similar tactics – veers off course is that she (and they) have shameless double standards on these matters. Calling it shameless, in fact, puts it mildly.

On Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez endorsed a disgusting campaign started by leftists to treat outgoing DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen as a “pariah for life.” Their mission is to keep her jobless in the private sector and to make the rest of her life a living hell.

AOC tweeted: “In stealing 1000s of children, deporting their parents,& refusing to provide info for reunification, Sec. Nielsen oversaw one of the largest-scale human rights violations in recent history. Awarding her a lucrative deal or prestigious post is to legitimize+celebrate that abuse.”

The next day, the Boston Globe published a column by an unhinged leftist who also endorsed the campaign. In the piece, he called on wait staffs around the country to pee and bleed on Nielsen’s food – “in service to America.”

I asked in that piece if we get to blame Democrats like AOC and everyone else on the left in the event Nielsen is harmed over their targeted vilification of her. This “blame game” on rhetoric should work both ways, right?

Brett at Twitchy also noted how AOC doesn’t practice what she preaches:

Um … not to nit-pick, but it’s not just the GOP that goes over the top with rhetoric. It didn’t take much searching to find Ocasio-Cortez tweeting that politicians who accept donations from the NRA “kill hundreds of people.” If “AOC is a domestic terrorist” triggers people to threaten violence, that tweet probably did too. Wonder if Sen. Marco Rubio got any threatening calls after this went online?

Also, there’s an element of shutuppery involved in AOC’s whineathons about rhetoric, too:


Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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