The AP published an article Sunday by White House reporter Darlene Superville that falsely claimed President Donald Trump bowed to a demand by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and took down a video that juxtaposed footage of the September 11, 2001 Islamist terror attacks on the United States with an excerpt of a speech by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) given last month before a CAIR meeting in California in which she dismissively said of the attacks, “Some people did something.”
Among the sites to repeat the AP’s fake news report was the CBC:
Trump removes Twitter video accusing Rep. Ilhan Omar of dismissing 9/11 attacks
— CBC World News (@CBCWorldNews) April 14, 2019
Screen images of article at CBC site:
Excerpt of AP’s fake news report published by the CBC:
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Sunday that she has taken steps to ensure the safety of Rep. Ilhan Omar following President Donald Trump’s retweet of a video that purports to show the Minnesota Democrat being dismissive of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The California Democrat also called on Trump to take down the video. Soon after her public request, the video disappeared from Trump’s Twitter feed.
Screen image of a different posting of the AP article by the Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel shows it was reported by Darlene Superville.
The Chicago Sun-Times also published the fake news report by the AP.
The Omar 9/11 video is still posted to the president’s Twitter feed. Later versions of the AP article were corrected to reflect that, however the AP has not noted the correction:
“The California Democrat also called on Trump to take down the video. Soon after her public request, the video was no longer pinned atop Trump’s Twitter feed, but it was not deleted.“
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 12, 2019
Screen image of CBC tweet about article with fake news headline:
The post Fake News: AP Falsely Reported Trump Took Down Ilhan Omar 9/11 Video appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.