
Moving Forward from New York’s Infant Murder Law: Teenage Parents in New Jersey Slay Their Baby, Throw Him in a Dumpster

- April 14, 2019



On Thursday, March 29th, Jada McClain gave birth at home. In the bathroom.

After cleaning the newborn boy in the shower, the 18-year-old placed him on her bed. She then proceeded to murder him by pressing on his chest.

After killing her child, she called her boyfriend — 19-year-old Quaimere Mohammed.

She told Quaimere she’d killed their baby, who she’d named Legend. She’d placed his dead body in a bag, wrapped in a blanket. And left it in the back seat of her car.

Jada picked up Quaimere, and the two drove to the beach and his residence. Afterward, they found a dumpster outside an apartment building in Asbury Park. Quaimere disposed of their slain son.

This, according to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.

The Asbury Park Police Department acquired surveillance footage of Jada’s Jetta pulling up to the dumpster around 9 a.m. Quaimere can be seeing tossing a bag into the receptacle.

On Wednesday, Jada appeared in court.

Texts between the parents were read by attorney Steven E. Nelson.

From Jada:

“I was the one who took his last breath. I had to do it alone, and that’s what hurts me the most.”

Quaimere’s reply:

[It] eats me alive 24/7.”

She lamented she “didn’t even get to kiss him when he was alive.”

Jada’s lawyer argued that she was frightened an unable to afford an abortion.

Will Jada’s murder of her baby be looked upon in the future as just? If New York can murder her baby as it’s about to exit her body (here) — and if Virginia’s leadership endorses murdering the little boy on the bed (here) — how can it be said she is guilty?

Or maybe she is. And we all are. For letting such an ugly world come to pass.

For electing leaders who allow for such a thing. For failing to be an adequate voice against the worst humanity has to offer: harm to the most innocent among us.

Perhaps we’re all guilty.

As for Jada, she’s facing first-degree Murder as well as second degree Disturbing or Desecrating Human Remains.

Yet, it seems, she is the victim.

In her text, she lamented:

“[I] didn’t even get to kiss him when he was alive.”



Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: man identifying as woman lashes out at Victoria’s Secret for bigotry, Conway names Pelosi, and toxic femininity.

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