
RedState’s Water Cooler – Open Thread – April 8, 2019: AMAZING! The Most ‘Spot On’ Imitation of AOC Ever; Obama Sets a Record, Refers to Himself 467 Times in One Speech

- April 09, 2019

RedState’s Water Cooler

Open Thread

Good Monday Afternoon!

April 8, 2019


Listen: This is the best imitation of AOC you will ever hear!



Big League Politics’ Peter D’Abrosca: Obama Refers to Himself 467 Times During Weekend Speech

Peter D’Abrosca notes that the former president is still as obsessed with himself as he always was.

Former President Obama spoke to a group of students about leadership this weekend in Berlin, Germany. D-Abrosca writes:

The speech, supposedly about “community leadership and civic engagement,” turned out to be an autobiographical rundown of the life and times of Barack Obama. Some things never change. He referred to himself a jaw-dropping 467 times during the speech.

The fine folks at Grabien broke down the number of “I’s,” “Me’s,” and “My’s,” and came up with the following final tally:

“I” — 312

“Me” — 33

“My” — 43

“I’d” — 9

“I’m” — 61

“Myself” — 9

Obama was promoting his own Obama Foundation, whose broad mission is “to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world.”

He gave the audience an not-so-brief update on life since leaving the presidency.

Why is this not a surprise? The full article can be viewed here.

As Always, This Is An Open Thread…


The post RedState’s Water Cooler – Open Thread – April 8, 2019: AMAZING! The Most ‘Spot On’ Imitation of AOC Ever; Obama Sets a Record, Refers to Himself 467 Times in One Speech appeared first on RedState.


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