
Revelations From Bernie’s Tax Returns: Socialists Are Uncharitable

- April 17, 2019

Feel free to read a heavy dose of sarcasm into that headline because of course we already know socialists love wealth redistribution as long as its not their own.

And Grandpa Democratic Socialist himself, the distinguished Senator from Vermont, Mr. Independent Bernie Sanders sets the tone again for the young minions learning the art of taxation at his knee.

Which is to say: when it comes to charitable donations, he’s a cheapskate y’all.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) released a decade’s worth of tax returns on Monday, detailing millions in income—2.26 percent of which he donated to charity.

The documents show that over the years, Sanders’ income ranged from $205,617 to $1.1 million, while his charitable giving ranged from less than 1 percent to just over 4 percent depending on the year.

Last year, Sanders’ total income was $566, 421 and he donated $18,950 or 3.35 percent. In 2017, his income was $1.1 million and he gave away $36,300 or 3.15 percent. The year before that he also made more than $1 million but donated $10,600 or less than 1 percent.

That exposition of miserliness was followed by, hands down, the best lines of the piece:

His income peaked in 2016 and 2017 due to sales of his book, Our Revolution.

That revolution got Bernie pretty rich but if you’re among the proletariat, down on your luck, waiting for Bernie to care, you might want to look elsewhere.

Like, for example, any number of the philanthropic efforts that greedy old capitalist Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) supports because he and his family gave $4 million of the more than $13 million they took in during 2012 to charity, which comes out to almost 40 percent of their income.

But Bernie can explain why he doesn’t share his colleague’s approach to giving.

Reached for additional comment, Sanders’ campaign spokeswoman Arianna Jones noted that the senator’s policy platform calls for a greater government footprint in areas that are currently struggling to survive on charitable largesse.

“[The Sanders] believe that while voluntary charitable donations are commendable, they can never replace ongoing public investments in major social programs and services that improve people’s lives.”

So Bernie won’t help you out personally. But he’ll dedicate himself to working with an entity designed to produce gridlock (as Congress is) to ensure that maybe, some day in the future, if those dadgum Republicans will stop blocking him, he can tax the hell out every other American so there’s access (if the government finds it acceptable) to inefficient government programs burdened by low-paying bureaucratic jobs and likely offered better by philanthropic organizations that take in private donations.

He promises. Now get off his lawn.

The post Revelations From Bernie’s Tax Returns: Socialists Are Uncharitable appeared first on RedState.


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