Guest post by Michael LaChance at American Lookout
Rep. Eric Swalwell of California has done more than most other Democrats in spreading the Russia collusion hoax for two years.
Swalwell flatly refuses to believe that the story he’s been advancing for years now is a lie.
And now he’s running for president for some reason.
The Hill reported:
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) will reportedly announce next week that he is running for president in 2020 and will center his campaign around gun control.
The Atlantic reported Thursday that Swalwell will announce his plans during an appearance on CBS’s “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” where he will be joined by Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.
Swalwell, who is hosting a town hall on gun control next week in Florida, did not confirm his plans to The Atlantic, but said he thinks gun control should be a top issue in 2020.
“We are doing a town hall in Parkland,” he told The Atlantic. “And I do believe that gun safety has to be a top 2020 issue.”
Some people on Twitter are already responding to Swalwell’s demands for gun control:
Grab your drum sticks little Eric
— Top Gun Options (@topgunoptions) April 4, 2019
#lunitic First he was going to Nuke us. Now we aren’t American’s and he’s going to defeat us. Good luck with that. #completeNut
— Donald Mangum (@dwmangum) April 4, 2019
Eric Swalwell is officially running for President 😂😂😂 definitely making a play for that collusion truther vote
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 4, 2019
You need to read the constitution. Start at the beginning. In the meanwhile, please resign. You are not competent if you can not defend our Constitution.
— Julz (@usajulz7) April 4, 2019
HA HA HA @RepSwalwell is running for President. He is likely the most unlikable candidate in the field. It is as if Adam Schiff's less charismatic kid brother is running.
— Brett Winterble Show (@WinterbleShow) April 4, 2019
The post Russia Conspiracy Truther Eric Swalwell To Announce He’s Running For President for Some Reason appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.