
‘Seriously, WTF is this headline’ – Katie Pavlich’s Response to Washington Post’s Preposterous Analysis of Sri Lankan Bombings

- April 23, 2019


Two Washington Post writers published their “analysis” of the Easter Sunday church bombings in Sri Lanka. Unlike their sensitive ‘analysis’ of the murders of 50 Muslims during Friday worship services at two Christchurch, New Zealand mosques last month, this article focused on the outrage from far-right individuals and groups. Their ‘analysis’ can be viewed here.

They described the angry reactions from Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), Marine Le Pen, president of France’s far-right National Rally party, and even some American far-right activists. They wrote that these “far-right groups and activists began to describe the attacks in specifically religious terms.”

First, outrage over the persecution of Christians is not confined to the far-right. Many conservatives condemned the attacks and likely many independents as well.

But the $64 million question is, shouldn’t the left be as outraged as the right? The death toll from Sunday’s bombing has climbed to 290 and there are over 500 injured. Why has the response from the left been so restrained in comparison to the outpouring of love and support following the murder of 50 Muslims in New Zealand?

Gerard Batten, the current leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party and a member of the European Parliament offers his take. He explains that “Western officials pay less attention to Christian deaths because they worry about how Muslims would react. It’s not because the World thinks [Christians] matter less but because the World does not fear them, as it does the ‘religion of peace.” 

Democratic politicians can hardly bring themselves to utter the word “Christian.” Instead, Obama, Hillary Clinton and others were using the term “Easter Worshippers?” (My colleague, Streiff, posted about this earlier here.)

Well, needless to say, the blowback from conservatives to this piece has been rather negative. My personal favorite response came from Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich who tweeted, “Seriously, WTF is this headline.” Twitchy compiled the best of the others.

Wow. That’s your “analysis”? 🙄

What a garbage headline.

You’re really trying to use more than a hundred dead Christians on the other side of the world as a wedge to demonize the Christian right here?

Only far-right anger. No one else. Nothing to see here, move along.

I mean, a whole religion/philosophy of living was attacked. Kind of a big deal.

“To some, it was further proof that Christians in many parts of the world are under attack.” To some???

Is there someone, anyone, that is not angered by the slaughter of Christians on Easter Sunday. Whoever wrote this analysis is truly a dope.

To me it implies that the left in the West doesn’t give a damn.

Just far-right anger? No one else cares?

Question. Why isn’t the far left angry also?

So the WaPo wasn’t angered by this atrocity.

So are you saying the left is ok with terrorism?

Congrats, idiots. You played yourself again.

Craptastic headlines like this are why people hate the press.

The Washington Post has managed to disgrace themselves again.

The post ‘Seriously, WTF is this headline’ – Katie Pavlich’s Response to Washington Post’s Preposterous Analysis of Sri Lankan Bombings appeared first on RedState.


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