
The Press Screwed the Pooch Covering the Collusion Hoax So Why Are They Congratulating Themselves

- April 20, 2019

Now that the Mueller report has been released, showing, to the great surprise of absolutely no one, that the entire premise of the collusion allegation was a hoax from start to finish, our intrepid firefighters of the Fourth Estate are now engaged in an exercise of self justification.

This is only true if you call reporting the facts of a story sorta correct but in completely wrong context. Every major piece of media reporting on the collusion hoax had two things in common. First, it took the Steele (or Trump) dossier to be mostly corroborated. Second, the underlying premise was an uncritical and credulous belief that the Trump campaign had cooperated with the Russian government. Here are just a few of the stories they got wrong.

In terms of bloopers, who can forget that ABC’s Brian Ross ran a “scoop” about Flynn “flipping” on Trump that caused the Dow to drop 300 points. (See GOOD: ABC Suspends Brian Ross Over His Fake News Report On The Mike Flynn Indictment.) Or, remember when CNN’s Manu Raju was taking dictation from Adam Schiff and reported that Donald Trump, Jr., had notice of the Wikileaks dump of Clinton documents before they were public? (See HAHAHA! CNN Gets Burned On Fake Story About Donald Trump Jr. And Wikileaks Email–UPDATED.) How about those Paul Manafort notes from the Trump Tower meeting that mentioned getting campaign contributions from the Russians? (See Source For An NBCNews #Fakenews Story Is Outed And It Is Not A Big Surprise. Or the story that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress? That story was debunked by Mueller himself.

At no point to do you find in the mainstream media anyone asking questions about Christopher Steele or the dossier or Fusion GPS or Brennan or anything that does not follow the narrative that Trump only won because he had help from the Russians.

That isn’t reporting. That isn’t journalism. That is partisan political propaganda.

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