
‘The View’: Buh-Bye to Kirstjen, & the Border’s Fine. What We’ve Gotta Watch Out for is White People

- April 09, 2019



Are you a white supremacist? Do you know any white supremacists? Do you know anyone who knows any white supremacists?

According to Sunny Hostin, it seems, surely you must.

On Sunday, amid Trump’s continued frustration over illegal border crossings (here), Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen abruptly resigned (I’m not too unhappy about it, as it’s a difficult name for me to type).

Outside her house Monday afternoon, Kirste- I mean, Kristje- I mean, Kirstjen told reporters there’s a “humanitarian crisis” at the border. She also said this:

“I don’t have any new announcements. I just want to thank the President again for the tremendous opportunity to serve this country. I’m forever grateful and proud of the men and women of DHS who work so hard every day to execute their missions and support the homeland. As you know, DHS has a vast array of missions. I want to make sure that we execute them all with excellence through the transition. I share the president’s goal of securing the border.”

On ABC’s The View Monday, the conversation turned to secretary’s departure.

Co-host Sunny Hostin eschewed the issue of illegal immigration for something wholly different:

“I believe she sold her soul. She became the face of separating babies from their parents. It’s going to take two years to find out the true extent of this horror. Thousands were separated from their families.”

To be clear, family separation wasn’t the product of Kirstjen or Trump; it was the edict of the left-wing 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, with a history dating back to Clinton’s presidency and the legislation of a Democrat-controlled Congress (see herehere, and here).

Despite 4,000 arrests being made at the border in one day alone (here), Sunny claimed the border issue is small potatoes — what we really need to be focused on is fighting the white supremacy epidemic:

“FBI director Christopher Wray testified that homegrown white is supremacists are the worst threat to our country. President Trump keeps saying these people from Mexico, from Nicaragua, are the biggest threats. They’re not. It’s our homegrown white supremacists. … The biggest threats are our own homegrown white supremacists that are threatening our security.”


As pointed out by The Daily Caller, what the director actually said, as per CNN, was this:

“The danger, I think, of white supremacists, violent extremism, or another kind of extremism is of course significant. We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat.”

How does Sunny draw from that a pressing need trumping border security?

As I’ve asserted previously, some on the Left seem to have no concern for what’s actually happening, only what sounds good to say (here).

We currently have a porous border; and pointing to a different issue doesn’t seal it.

If you want to address a handful of dorks in white hoods, go for it — that’s so absurd, it was previously fodder for Howard Stern and Jerry Springer episodes. But how about at the same time, we still have a country, which is to say, a border? How about we chase away the black cloud of a broken system to the south? That’d be nice. And sunny.



Relevant RedState links in this article: hereherehereherehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: flat earthers risk their lives, Bill Maher vs. George Clooney, and “AOC sucks.”

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The post ‘The View’: Buh-Bye to Kirstjen, & the Border’s Fine. What We’ve Gotta Watch Out for is White People appeared first on RedState.


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