
‘Vogue’ Admits: There’ll Be No Melania on the Cover. Melania: ‘Been There, Done That.’

- April 13, 2019



On April 5th, Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour made it clear: Putting aside fashion, style, and any notion of a diverse readership, the magazine is settled on left-wing politics.

Speaking with Christiane Amanpour, she explained the periodcal’s penchant for Democratic women on the cover, saying Vogue takes a political “point of view.”

Christiane asked:

“You are political. You were a major fundraiser for Barack Obama. Your magazine — the most important fashion bible in the world — does profile some very important women who are in politics. Tell me about that. You are overtly political in your profiles and what you stand for. What is it you are trying to say by profiling a Michelle Obama or a Kamala Harris or even a Stormy Daniels?”

Anna — who’s been in charge of the magazine for over 30 years — laid it out:

“If you’re talking about the First Lady or Senator Harris, obviously these are women that we feel are icons and inspiring to women from a global perspective. … I think you can’t be everything to everybody … I believe, as those of us who work at (parent company) Condé Nast believe, you have to stand up for what you believe in and you have to take a point of view.”

And what’s her POV?

“We profile women in the magazine that we believe in the stand that they’re taking on issues. We support them, we feel that they are leaders. Particularly after the defeat of Secretary Clinton in the 2016 election, we believe that women should have a leadership position. We intend to support them.”

Women, of course, so long as they conform to a particular political bent.

So if you’d like to see Melania front and center at your grocery checkout stand, don’t hold your breath.

FLOTUS herself is breathing easy — a spokesperson for the First Lady told Fox News Friday that Mrs. Trump has other things on which to focus:

“To be on the cover of Vogue doesn’t define Mrs. Trump. She’s been there, done that long before she was First Lady. Her role as First Lady of the United States and all that she does is much more important than some superficial photo shoot and cover. This just further demonstrates how biased the fashion magazine industry is, and shows how insecure and small-minded Anna Wintour really is. Unfortunately, Mrs. Trump is used to this kind of divisive behavior.”


“Been there,” indeed: Conspicuously, of course, of all the First Ladies in recent history, Melania Trump is the only actual fashion model to occupy the White House.

But no FLOTUS cover.

As reported by The Daily Wire, Hillary Clinton became the first First Lady to make Vogue’s cover in 1998. Michelle Obama appeared as many as three times.



See 3 more pieces from me: Democrats vs. women, Hulk vs. reality, and the worst gymnastics injury I’ve ever seen.

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