
Water Cooler 4/6/2018 – Open Thread – Several quick hits

- April 07, 2019

I’m back again with a few articles that caught my eye. Some are more serious than others, but I’ll leave that to you to sort out.

“Unplanned” has changed some minds

Of course the establishment that lives and breathes abortion wanted to do everything they could to keep “Unplanned” hidden – because it can change minds, such as this woman’s.

Sometimes the good guys win

This story is a riot. A Palo Alto woman, whom you’d swear based on her picture just has to be the nicest, most normal woman you could ever meet, tried her best to rile up hatred for some elderly Jewish MAGA dude. It did not turn out as she expected.

Shouldn’t “trans” include …

If we’ve learned anything, it’s that as soon as liberals gain ground they don’t sit back and enjoy it, they start whining about how they next need to move the goalposts. As soon as “trans” men and women get the full protection of the US government and it’s taught in schools how normal they are, they’ll have to move on to something like this charmer. Surely someone like her would become a protected class species, right?

Once abortion is okay…

This article about China’s treatment of the mostly Muslim Uyghurs is heartbreaking. Forced abortions were just the start. The press here seems to ignore the story because they can’t send in reporters to bring back pictures of the devastation. Or maybe because they would never criticize forced abortions, since sex traffickers frequent PP clinics.

Making fun of people with disabilities

There’s quite a double standard as always. Trump doing something that can be twisted into making fun of a reporter is in the “worst thing in the world” category, but if a Hillary person does it and then doubles down on it (a la Biden on his fondling) it never happened.

What is it about curling?

Curling has such simple rules and looks so easy but is actually very difficult. The Men’s world championship is underway, and the USA advanced to today’s playoffs. You get to see a little bit of everything, from the remarkable shot that sealed a round robin victory for Canada over the USA to the heartbreaking pick for Switzerland that gave Canada a steal of five.

Welcome to RedState’s only daily open thread! Enjoy!

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