The ongoing battle to protect women’s sports made headlines again over the weekend when a male who identifies as female won an NCAA track and field title.
CeCe Telfer of Franklin-Pierce University won the DII women’s 400-meter hurdles over the rest of the field by more than a second. The Stream reports that Telfer once ran for the men’s team at FPU as “Craig” and as recently as January of 2018.
Telfer previously ran a variety of events for Franklin Pierce’s men’s team, during most of which time he went by the first name Craig, according to school records.
Telfer competed on FPU’s men’s track team as recently as January 2018, according to published meet results from the Middlebury Winter Classic in Vermont. Telfer had started using the name CeCe at that point, while still competing on the men’s team.
NCAA policy is that male athletes who identify as transgender can compete on women’s teams if they suppress their testosterone levels for a full calendar year. Otherwise, so-called mixed teams — which have both males and females — can compete in the men’s division, but not in the women’s division, according to NCAA rules.
The NCAA has a spotty record on protecting Title IX rights for women’s sports. As The Stream reports:
The NCAA in 2011 published an explainer calling it “not well founded” to assume “that being born with a male body automatically gives a transgender woman an unfair advantage when competing against non-transgender women.”
The statement is mind-boggling. “Not well founded” that men have a different muscular structure than women? “Not well founded” that no amount of hormones can change how a body developed and strengthened for the years and decades before they started taking hormones? Millenia of human history, science and biology that has unequivocally recognized the evolutionary, scientific and medical differences between the male form and the female form is “not well founded”?
The anti-science wing of the LGBT movement seems to believe if they just say a thing, it makes it true. A few decades of recognition of “trans” identity most certainly does not meet the standards for the scientific method of research or provide nearly enough information and study to outweigh thousands and thousands of years of human history.
LGBT outlet Outsports hailed Telfer’s as “a trans athlete who doesn’t win every time”.
Rather than Tefler being the example of how a trans athlete can lose to women too, perhaps the NCAA athlete is actually an example of what can happen when gender constructs are erased from women’s sports. Men who aren’t good enough to cut it in their own divisions will simply declared themselves women and compete in divisions where they’ll have a better chance of winning.
This new trend is being touted as “progress” on the backs of women..a historical trend that the progressive left loves to complain about when it comes to issues like abortion but throws to the wayside when it comes to protecting the rights and spaces of women.
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