
COMING SOON: Samantha Power’s Unmasking Campaign Linked to Obama’s Deep Hatred of Israel

- Mei 25, 2019

Obama’s hatred of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Jewish state is well known.
obama netanyahu

In December 2015 a report surfaced that Barack Obama intercepted communications between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US lawmakers. The Obama White House targeted Netanyahu because he opposed their insane nuclear deal with the Iranian regime.

Obama later ordered Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Ambassador Samantha Power to snub Netanyahu at the UN.

Lower level US State Department officials attended the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech at the UN.
us netanyahu

The Obama administration spent $350,000 trying to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office.

In May 2011 Barack Obama urged Israel to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, and the tomb of Jesus Christ to the Hamas-Fatah organizations.

In his deluded mind, handing over ancient Christian and Jewish holy sites to violent Islamists will bring peace to the region.

In December 2013, Barack Obama again urged Israel to hand over ancient Christian and Jewish holy sites to Islamist terrorists.

Then in December 2016, Israel accused Obama of colluding with Palestinians in a”shameful move against Israel at the U.N.”

In a final despicable act against Christians and Jews, on Christmas weekend, Barack Obama effectively signed over Christendom’s and Judaism’s holiest sites to radical Muslim groups.

Barack Obama refused to veto a Security Council resolution condemning settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. This UN resolution effectively turned over the Old City to Palestinian groups. The Palestinians are led by Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank. Obama thought this was a good move.

 The United Nation Security Council passed the vote 14 to 0 with the US government under Obama abstaining from the vote.

But before the vote the Trump Transition Team was working against the resolution in defense of Israel.

The Trump administration, unlike Obama, was pro-Israel.

Trump Transition Team members General Michael Flynn and Nikki Haley were reportedly working the phones against the resolution in defense of Israel.
The Daily Beast reported at the time:

According to Foreign Policy, then-President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team asked the State Department for the names and contact information for the ambassadors and foreign ministers from the U.N. Security Council member nations. State Department officials reportedly denied the request “out of fear that it would us used to scuttle American diplomatic aims,” according to Foreign Policy. Despite the rejection, transition officials pressured countries like Egypt and Great Britain to vote against the resolution, which ended up being approved after the United States voted to abstain. A U.S. official added that U.N. ambassador nominee Nikki Haley tried calling Samantha Power, the Obama administration’s envoy at the time. Powers did not take Haley’s calls because her advisers “suspected Haley would try to persuade Power to veto the resolution,” Foreign Policy reported. Flynn himself reportedly called ambassadors from countries on the Security Council, and “offered pleasantries to a senior Uruguayan official” before asking to vote against the resolution.

On Thursday night investigative journalist Sara Carter said we will find out something soon on Samantha Power and the people she unmasked and it will be shocking.

Power was accused of unmasking innocent Americans in the final months of the Obama administration.
The former UN ambassador unmasked 300 individuals, an unheard number, in her last year in office.

There are now reports that Samantha Power was unmasking phone calls about the settlements in Israel.

This was a disgusting act by the Obama administration.

We will soon know for sure.


The post COMING SOON: Samantha Power’s Unmasking Campaign Linked to Obama’s Deep Hatred of Israel appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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