
Crack Pipe Found in Hunter Biden’s Rental Car – Authorities Declined to Prosecute

- Mei 18, 2019

Joe Biden, Hunter Biden

Breitbart News exclusively obtained a police report from November of 2016, just days before Election Day describing how a crack pipe was found in Hunter Biden’s rental car.

A used crack pipe, credit cards, a Delaware Attorney General badge, US Secret Service business cards, two ID’s belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former VP Joe Biden were found in a Hertz rental car in Arizona.

A lab analysis of the crack pipe revealed it was used to smoke cocaine, not meth, however no fingerprints were found on the pipe.

Via Matt Boyle at Breitbart News:

Instead of returning the car keys to the drop box where after-hours returns are supposed to go, the car was returned—according to the police report—with the keys left in the gas tank compartment of the vehicle. Also found inside the vehicle, per the police report, were two drivers’ licenses both bearing Hunter Biden’s legal name Robert Biden, as well as “some credit cards with the same name,” “a secret service business card,” and an “Attorney General’s badge” all contained inside a wallet that Hertz rental employees discovered—along with a pipe that Hertz employees thought and police later confirmed was used to smoke illicit drugs, as well as “a white powdery substance in the arm rest of the vehicle.”

The next morning, according to the police report, a man who identified himself as “Joseph McGee” called the Hertz rental car counter to inform them of how the keys to the car were left in the vehicle’s gas cap rather than in the normal spot. “McGee” informed the rental car company employee, according to police, that “his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do” when the car was returned. Police, according to a supplemental report filed by a Prescott Police Department detective, sought and obtained a subpoena to discover the source of the “Joseph McGee” phone call—and traced it to a phone number owned and operated by a renowned “Colon Hydrotherapist” in the region.

Recall, Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy in 2013 after he tested positive for cocaine.

“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and … I respect the Navy’s decision,” Hunter Biden, who served in the Navy Reserve for a year said in a statement through his lawyer.

Hunter Biden Docs Final Red… by on Scribd

And surprise, surprise, the County and City Attorney’s offices declined to prosecute Hunter Biden.

Two different Prescott Police Department officers as well as a detective conducted an investigation—but ultimately local authorities in both the city and county attorney’s offices declined to prosecute the case. A document shows the reason the county attorney declined to prosecute the vice president’s son is because they thought they would only be able to get minor charges to stick, and kicked it down to the city attorney. It is unclear from the documents why the city attorney declined to prosecute.

In addition to local police, FBI and the U.S. Secret Service agents were roped into the case, as well. The FBI dispatched agents to the scene, according to the law enforcement documents, and the Secret Service communicated with the various law enforcement officials investigating and confirmed that Hunter Biden was not in harm’s way.

Joe Biden just launched his 2020 bid for the White House but the fake news media will certainly be working around the clock to cover for his scandal-plagued family.

Imagine if a crack pipe was found in Don Jr.’s or Eric Trump’s rental car — there would be wall-to-wall coverage of it in the fake news media.

Read the full report from Breitbart News here.

The post Crack Pipe Found in Hunter Biden’s Rental Car – Authorities Declined to Prosecute appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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