
High Times for Hunter Biden: Returns Rental Car, Forgets Cocaine Pipe

- Mei 18, 2019


Facebook Photo From MFA Media; http://bit.ly/2Jq8q2P /photos/a.554879764966348/673013149819675/ ?type=3&theater


Breitbart News reports that Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, dropped off his rental car at a Prescott, Arizona location in October 2016 and left some of his possessions behind, which included a cocaine pipe. According to Breitbart:

Instead of returning the car keys to the drop box where after-hours returns are supposed to go, the car was returned—according to the police report—with the keys left in the gas tank compartment of the vehicle. Also found inside the vehicle, per the police report, were two drivers’ licenses both bearing Hunter Biden’s legal name Robert Biden, as well as “some credit cards with the same name,” “a secret service business card,” and an “Attorney General’s badge” all contained inside a wallet that Hertz rental employees discovered—along with a pipe that Hertz employees thought and police later confirmed was used to smoke illicit drugs, as well as “a white powdery substance in the arm rest of the vehicle.”

The police report can be viewed here.

The synopsis on the report states:

On 10/28/2018 at approximately 2200 hours Robert Biden returned a rental vehicle to Hertz car rental at 6500 MacCurdy Dr and left his identifications, credit cards, Attorney General badge, cell phone, a meth pipe*, and a used bindle to meth inside.

(Note: Laboratory tests determined that it was cocaine, rather than meth.)

The rental facility had closed at 5 pm on October 28, 2016, so Biden dropped off the car and left the keys in the gas cap area. At approximately 10 am the following morning, the employee on duty, “Emily,” received a phone call from a “Joseph McGee” who said that “his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do” and told them where the keys had been left. Police traced the phone call to the office of a “colon hydrotherapist.”

According to the police report, Emily said she processed the return, and the credit card was declined. She then “pushed” it through. She called Joseph back

and a female answered the phone. Emily asked for Joseph and let him know the car was returned but Joseph never asked for the property left in the car. Emily said it felt weird so she contacted her manager who contacted police.

I asked Emily about the incident report. Emily stated that Robert was in an accident and traded a vehicle in for this silver compass in Palm Springs, CA. Emily stated that the incident report is suppose (sic) to document how the accident happened and where the damage to the vehicle was located.

A short while later Ofc Jennison stated that detectives had contacted the FBI and they were en route.

Breitbart reports that “ultimately local authorities in both the city and county attorney’s offices declined to prosecute the case. A document shows the reason the county attorney declined to prosecute the vice president’s son is because they thought they would only be able to get minor charges to stick, and kicked it down to the city attorney. It is unclear from the documents why the city attorney declined to prosecute.”

I imagine the fact that his father was the Vice President may have helped.

So far as keeping this news out of the press at the time? The media had a far more consequential story on their mind on October 28, 2016. Then-FBI Director James Comey had notified Congress that the FBI was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server because her emails had been discovered on a laptop owned by Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin.

In 2014, Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. In a statement for the press, Biden said: “It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge. I respect the Navy’s decision. With the love and support of my family, I’m moving forward.”

A CNN report said “Biden was commissioned as an ensign in May 2013 and assigned as a public affairs officer in a Norfolk, Virginia-based reserve unit. A month later, he tested positive for cocaine, and he was discharged in February, according to the report.”

Hunter Biden is turning into a liability for Joe Biden as he seeks the Democratic presidential nomination. Hunter’s business deals in China and Ukraine, as well Joe Biden’s demand that Ukraine fire a prosecutor who was preparing to question Hunter about numerous questionable payments his firm had received, are becoming issues in the campaign. (I’ve written about this here, here and here.)

I’m sorry, but I have to say it. Can you imagine if Donald Trump Jr. had returned a rental car and left behind a cocaine pipe?

The post High Times for Hunter Biden: Returns Rental Car, Forgets Cocaine Pipe appeared first on RedState.


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