
Hilarious: Kim Jong-Un Mercilessly Attacks Joe Biden with Insults That’ll Make Your Head Spin

- Mei 24, 2019

[Screenshot from Guardian News, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLWqqDVWsXo


As it turns out, North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un ain’t a fan of 2020 candidate Joe Biden.

In fact, Kim’s unloaded a big fat bevy of insults on the touchy, feely Democrat (here).

Indeed, if “gays are security risks” Joe reaches the Oval Office and meets with the Supreme Leader, he might wanna keep the hugging, kissing, caressing, squeezing, feeling, massaging, and groping to a minimum (here).

And if he does go in for a kiss, definitely no tongue.

On Wednesday, ABC Politics posted this:

A “low IQ idiot”…quite the summary.

USA Today noted a few, too, to the tune of “fool of low IQ” and — this is a really good one — an “imbecile bereft of elementary quality as a human being.”

Isn’t there a “Your Mama” joke that goes like that?

And you’re gonna love these, also from a May 21st article by the East Asian nation (see more in the tweet below):

  • Joe “likes to stick his nose into other people’s business and is a poor excuse for a politician.”
  • He suffers from “manic-obsessive running of the mouth.”
  • (drum roll…) His self-praise “is enough to make a cat laugh.”

A cat laugh!

North Korea’s attack might just have something to do with this, also found in the article:

The presidential candidate from the Democratic Party during his recent election campaigning reeled off rhetoric slandering the supreme leadership of the DPRK.

That’s definitely true — in Philadelphia Saturday, Joe I’ll-be-damned-if-I-support-reparations Biden served up a not-so-huggy-characterization of Kim (here): He castigated President Trump for his relationship with “dictators and tyrants like [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and Kim Jong-un.”

And last week in Philadelphia, he offered an especially gutsy dis:

“This is a guy with his uncle’s brains blown out, sitting across a table. This is the guy who’s a thug.”

Joe probably won’t have to worry about livin’ the Thug Life; it seems unlikely he’ll soar to victory in 2020. But then again, you never know.

If he does triumph, he might wanna consider a kevlar suit for a 2021 North Korea summit.

I’m betting Kim’s lack of appreciation for criticism is matched only by the mercilessness of his memory.



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