Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @ SXSW 2019 by nrkbeta, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
Remember just a couple of days ago when Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) went on a mini-Twitter rant about the New York Times‘s use of a flattering photo in a piece they did on former White House communications director Hope Hicks?
To recap, here’s the photo:
Hope Hicks, one of the best-known but least visible former members of President Trump’s White House staff, is facing an existential question: whether to comply with a congressional subpoena https://t.co/8NXpfQvxQL pic.twitter.com/L7aWVMsIdq
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) May 24, 2019
The freshman Congresswoman piggybacked on remarks made by liberal journalist Soledad O’Brien, who characterized the photo as a “glam shot”:
Yup. Where’s the “no angel” take now?
In the immediate aftermath of shootings, media routinely post menacing photos of people-of-color victims + dredge up any questionable thing they’d ever done.
But when Hope Hicks considers not complying w a subpoena, it’s glamour shot time. https://t.co/ACnvXlKF7Q
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 26, 2019
What gets me is news breaks that this woman is weighing committing a crime before Congress &it’s getting framed by the NYT as some Lifetime drama called “Hope’s Choice.”
This is a fmr admin official considering participating in a coverup led by the President.
Treat her equally. https://t.co/XcNbSuU4QB
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 26, 2019
As I wrote at the time, if this gang of clueless wonders had kept their criticisms of the piece to how the paper presented Hicks’s subpoena compliance as a choice, that would have been a fair critique. But they also went after the picture the paper used. Presumably the paper should have used one that showed Hicks, who has classically beautiful features – and who has probably never taken a bad photo, in a menacing light?
But let’s fast forward to today, where Ocasio-Cortez again took to the Twitter machine, this time to respond to a tweet about how she has sometimes been belittled for having been a waitress. Here’s what she said:
The reason women are critiqued for being too loud or too meek, too big or too small, too smart to be attractive or too attractive to be smart, is to belittle women out of standing up publicly.
The goal is to ‘critique’ into submission. & That applies to anyone challenging power. https://t.co/Ocxtjjdh1e
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 28, 2019
Would someone get this woman a mirror, please?
Twitter users both in my mentions and my Twitter feed were quick to point out her hypocrisy:
This is rich coming from the woman who got all stompy foot just a few days ago over the fact that Hope Hicks photographs well.
— Jennifer Hall (@jenjhall) May 28, 2019
Lmao! None of this applies to Hope Hicks, huh? https://t.co/NQJo4ELX3k
— Annie_Bannany (@Annie_Bannany) May 28, 2019
Of course it’s no big secret that AOC does not hold herself to the same standards that she holds other people, but it’s worth pointing out all the same.
And not only are her comments blatantly hypocritical, they’re also wildly ignorant- as many pointed out to her on Twitter, including yours truly:
More phony victimhood bull-sh*t. George W. Bush & Donald Trump, for example, both have been ridiculed based on their looks, brains, wealth, for decades. Criticism of someone's looks, smarts, or social status to belittle and undermine is NOT unique to women. Get over yourself. https://t.co/0B8ovitYam
— Sister Toldjah
(@sistertoldjah) May 28, 2019
Or maybe it has nothing to do with submission or belittlement and everything to do with the fact that some women are critiqued more because they say exceptionally ignorant things?
Just spitballin'.
— The
FOO (@PolitiBunny) May 28, 2019
Could be you are critiqued for knowing very little about topics you pontificate on & have zero prior experience to claim.
While Senator Warren is critiqued for being quite wealthy & being a socialist. Kinda like Bernie, who incidentally is a man.
Context, dear. It matters.
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) May 28, 2019
Everyone, men and women are critiqued for all those things. When YOU single out women, you otherize them and suggest they are weak and unable to deal with normal criticism. While you personally may not be able to, that's a diminution of women in general.
— Nickarama (@Nickarama1) May 28, 2019
This isn’t just a woman thing. Men are heckled and ridiculed to know end when running for office if they don’t act “Presidential”. Al Gore was “too robotic” for example. The men who are able to succeed are the ones who laugh at themselves and go on SNL and take the punishment.
— Michael Sullivan (@GeniusUnleashed) May 28, 2019
Nice trying to nullify any criticism of what you say through identity politics. I just don't agree with the things you say. I cite as evidence that what you want to do has been tried and has never worked and has been bad for the citizens of the countries where it has been tried.
— El Jefe (@ElJefeTulum) May 28, 2019
Any questions?
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
The post Just Days After Criticizing a Hope Hicks Photo, AOC Says People Use Women’s Looks in Order to… Belittle Them appeared first on RedState.