
President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, “TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!”

- Mei 18, 2019

President Trump put the treasonous Spygate coup plotters on notice Friday morning in a tweetstorm. 

The President was very actively tweeting Friday morning and invoked one of his 2016 campaign war cries, “DRAIN THE SWAMP!”

Trump then called out former FBI Director James Comey.

“What happened is that Donald Trump won. Down goes Comey.” Trump tweeted quoting Fox & Friends.

Lock them up, says Trump.

“My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!”

Obama unleashed the might of the US government onto Donald Trump and his associates to spy on his 2016 campaign — and the intel agencies used a Hillary Clinton-funded phony dossier to obtain the spy warrants.

The FBI knew that former British spy Christopher Steele was not a trustworthy source and that the dossier he compiled using his Russian intel sources lacked credibility, but Comey didn’t care, he wanted to take down Trump.

All hands were on deck and former DNI Chief James Clapper, ex-CIA Chief John Brennan and James Comey all promoted the dossier and used it to justify their spying campaign.

The spying continued into Trump’s presidency — in fact, the fourth and final FISA warrant on Carter Page was granted in June of 2017, one month after Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former DAG Rod Rosenstein signed the June 2017 FISA warrant and 20 pages are still redacted.

DAG Rosenstein even plotted to wear a wire and oust President Trump via the 25th Amendment.

The Deep State is panicking and a circular firing squad is forming because we have a real Attorney General now who just launched a massive investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

President Trump is right — this was TREASON, a coup attempt that failed and every single person involved should be prosecuted and put in prison.

The post President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, “TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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