
Shocker! China Has Been Secretly Emitting Ozone-Depleting Gas — While Democrats Push to Eradicate US Energy Sector

- Mei 24, 2019

China smog

Here is the latest example of why you MUST NEVER vote for any Democrat for any reason.

Democrat leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and several of her party faithful are pushing the Green New Deal — a brilliant attempt to destroy the United States by banning all oil, gas and coal while at the same time building bridges to Europe and Asia… Because the world only has 12 more years before we all burn up.

Meanwhile… The Communist Chinese were just caught emitting ozone-depleting gas from eastern China.

The National Post reported:

A chemical banned around the globe for the last 30 years has made an unfortunate resurgence. And all signs, in a new study, point to China as the culprit.

In the 1980s, countries came together to sign The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, a landmark treaty designed to halt and reduce the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), chemicals used in fridges and foams that had the side effect of tearing through the Earth’s ozone layer.

The Montreal Protocol has been signed by 197 countries around the world, including Canada, the U.S., and China. As the ozone layer in our upper atmosphere slowly depleted — letting in an increasing amount of the sun’s ultraviolet rays — the protocol contributed to a significant reduction in harmful CFCs, which then allowed for a slow healing of the damaged ozone layer.

That is until last year, when scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association found that global emissions of Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) have actually been increasing since 2013.

The increase implied that someone was secretly violating the Montreal Protocol. But the limitations of measuring devices meant the location of the polluter could only be traced to somewhere in east Asia.

Now, in a new study published in Nature on May 22, scientists from the University of Bristol, Kyungpook National University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that between 40 and 60 per cent of total global CFC-11 emissions originate from eastern China.

While Democrats work overtime to destroy the greatest nation on Earth in the name of global warming, China cheats on emissions.

This is why you can never vote Democrat.

The post Shocker! China Has Been Secretly Emitting Ozone-Depleting Gas — While Democrats Push to Eradicate US Energy Sector appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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