
Newly Released Documents Show Samantha Power Spewing Anti-Trump Bias in Government Emails – While Unmasking Americans

- Juni 26, 2019

Samantha Power

The American Center for Law and Justice on Wednesday unearthed more evidence of significant political bias by senior Obama official Samantha Power during the same time she was unmasking American citizens. 

The Gateway Pundit reported last year that the ACLJ received heavily redacted emails from former US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power that show unprecedented unmasking and political bias in the final days of the Obama administration.

According to the ACLJ, those documents show Samantha Power, who made over 260 unmasking requests to spy on the incoming administration was also colluding with the mainstream media, blatantly insulting President-elect Trump and actively sought ways to undermine the incoming administration.

Sekulow and his team fought for more documents and received another tranche of records through a FOIA lawsuit.

“I am discouraged and frightened. Electing a right-wing president is something, but such a morally repugnant bully!” read a Nov. 14, 2016, email to Samantha Power from an individual whose name was redacted for privacy reasons. The email referred to former Trump advisor Steve Bannon as “an avowed racist” and asserted, “The worst is coming.”

In December 2016, in an email to Ben Rhodes, who was also implicated in the unmasking requests, Power forwards an article entitled, “Applied pressure: Donald Trump isn’t even president yet and he’s already making waves at the U.N.” Power asserted, “This reflects the lack of understanding of history.”

In response to a Reuters article entitled, “Trump looking at fast ways to quit global climate deal: source,” Power forwarded the email to Jonathan Finer (Director of Policy Planning, DOS) with the message, “Lord help us all. How are you holding up?”

In a late November 2016 email in response to a diplomatic problem with Japan, Power complained to a colleague: “It is unreal how the Trump dynamic has changed things.”

“The sheer political panic evidenced in Samantha Power’s emails shows that ‘the fix was in’ against the incoming administration even before the 45th president was sworn into office,” said Sekulow

In response to these newly unearthed emails, Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) said on Wednesday that he wants to bring Samantha Power in for questioning for possibly violating the Hatch Act.

“And here’s what is troubling Mr. Chairman, we have one standard for Kellyanne Conway and another standard for everybody else and so if you’re gonna subpoena people, let’s subpoena Samantha Power,” he said. “Let’s make sure she comes in because you know what I have? I have emails on her official account where she was going after Donald Trump while she was working for our government and indeed at the same time was unmasking individuals!” he said.

In other notable emails uncovered last year by the ACLJ, Samantha Power was caught coordinating with left-wing media outlets in an effort to undermine the Trump transition team.

Samantha Power still has not given a compelling answer as to why hundreds of Americans were unmasked in her name.

The post Newly Released Documents Show Samantha Power Spewing Anti-Trump Bias in Government Emails – While Unmasking Americans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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