
On Scene TGP Photos: Trump Orlando Rally Part Three (VP Pence fires up the crowd!)

- Juni 23, 2019

President Donald Trump officially kicked off his 2020 reelection campaign with a mega MAGA rally held at the 20,000 seat Amway Center in Orlando, Florida on Tuesday. TGP was there to cover the rally. This is part three of a series of TGP on scene reports on the rally. Part one report and photos at this link. Part two at this link.

Despite having spent all day (and in some cases two days) outside in the Florida heat, humidity and storms, the crowd for the rally was tired but fired up just the same. The TGP reporter-in-training and I made it down from the top level of the Amway Center to the jam-packed press pen between speakers–what turned out be the period before Vice President Mike Pence spoke.

Photos taken of the crowd show some restless and some resting. Same for the press. Pence did a good job speaking to the crowd. He has wisely not tried to reinvent himself as a Trump mini-me, but has kept his own style which works for him. The crowd was fired up when he was done!

Reporters at rear of press pen at Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Trump supporters seated overlooking press pen at 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Trump supporters at 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Trump supporters do ‘the wave’ while waiting for the main program to start at 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Jonathan Karl, Chief White House Correspondent for ABC News, atop camera riser at Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Family moment at Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Presidential seal placed on podium at Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Large American flag suspended over the stage at Trump 2020 kickoff rally with Keep America Great! slogan on electronic sign in background, the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Vice President Mike Pence fires up the crowd at Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Fired up crowd waves signs as Vice President Mike Pence (somewhere behind sea of signs held aloft) addresses Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Vice President Mike Pence has supporters fully engaged at Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Vice President Mike Pence addresses Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Enthusiastic supporters hold up signs as Vice President Mike Pence addresses Trump 2020 kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Trump supporters at 2020 kickoff rally cheer as President Donald Trump is introduced by Vice President Mike Pence, the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

Part four soon.

The post On Scene TGP Photos: Trump Orlando Rally Part Three (VP Pence fires up the crowd!) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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