
A Prominent Hollywood Figure Makes an Astonishing Claim About Trump. Does This Whole Politics Thing Have to Be So Ridiculous?

- Juli 17, 2019



On Monday, Rob Reiner made a stunning proclamation.

And it is indeed stunning.

It was an absolutely jawdropping announcement.

And yet, it’s one being tossed about all over. And it has been, for a few years:

What an incredible claim: That a man voted to lead the nation is so cripplingly idiotic and woefully petty that he sits around categorizing all human beings according to the color of their skin.

It’s so extreme that, on its face, it would seem impossible.

But here’s something much more: Donald Trump has been famous for decades. Not years. But tens of years. Recognized everywhere he went. Talked about. Written about. Interviewed. Featured.

And we’re to believe that, despite being all the things prominent Democrats have asserted — a deranged, angry, hateful, white supremacist, racist maniac — it simply slipped everyone’s mind until 2016.

Somehow, magically, that’s the case.

One would think that, if Trump were what he’s been accused of being, magazines wouldn’t have fawned over him, rap stars wouldn’t have praised him on their records, television wouldn’t have gawked and gushed, women wouldn’t have been willing to be with him, celebrities would’ve refused to party with him, and businesses would’ve refused to work with him.

One might reasonably deduce that, were he the evil leader we’ve been told he is, he would’ve never been able to become an American leader in the first place.

And he would’ve never been in the position to mentor black mogul and cultural maestro Russell Simmons — which he did.

Why must politics be so transparently daft? The guy’s New York’s most celebrated eccentric, then an “R” is added to his name and people appear to lose any kind of ability to keep a level head. Suddenly, his middle name is Adolf.

And sadly, many, many young people don’t realize the ruse. They’ve never known of Trump as anything but der Fürher. Or they’ve been told he was a dopey reality star who became president.

Not a man who took a small fortune and turned it into a gargantuan fortune. Not a man who led a successful business. Just Snooki but with cotton-candy hair.

Either way, now he’s the leader of the Fourth Reich.

And it’s just so goofy.

C’mon, folks.



See 3 more pieces from me:

First Lady Face-Off: Trump Is The Devil, But Did Michelle Obama Ever Visit Border Detention Centers?

Fish Jumping Into The Boat: Donald Trump Thanks Waters And Pelosi For The Political Gains

Couple Beat Unborn Baby To Death, May Not Face Charges

Find all my RedState work here.

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