Playboy White House reporter and CNN contributor Brian Karem crossed a line at the White House Thursday, going from reporter to partisan heckler and goon when he insulted, heckled and threatened guests of President Trump at a White House Rose Garden event and should therefore be banned from covering the White House and his hard pass pulled.
Brian Karem.
Trump had finished making remarks about the administration gathering citizenship information regarding the census and walked into the White House when the invitees to Trump’s social media summit (held earlier that afternoon and attended by TGP’s Jim Hoft) who had been seated in the Rose Garden began engaging the media assembled behind and around them.
The media was already feeling put out about the seating situation as this ‘Dear diary’ tweet from CNN reporter Jim Acosta attests, “The scene in the WH Rose Garden. All WH press in the back. Trump’s social media allies in the front rows.”
The scene in the WH Rose Garden. All WH press in the back. Trump’s social media allies in the front rows.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) July 11, 2019
After Trump finished and left, Karem is seen on video responding to comments of, “Don’t be sad, don’t be sad,” by a guest.
Karem replied, saying, “No, I’m just standing around.” Then gesturing to the President’s guests, said, “This is a group of people who are eager for demonic possession.” Karem then gave the guests a sarcastic salute and turned away.
Hearing the “demonic possession” insult, summit guest former Trump official Dr. Sebastian Gorka called out, asking Karem’s status as a reporter, “You’re a journalist, Brian?”
Karem yelled back to Gorka, inviting him to step outside (code for ‘let’s fight’), “Hey, c’mon over here and talk to me, brother. We can go outside and have a long conversation.”
An outraged Gorka said that Karem was threatening him to a fight in the Rose Garden, walking over to Karem and calling him a “punk” to his face and then walking away, “You’re threatening me now in the White House, in the Rose Garden. You are threatening me in the Rose Garden. You’re a punk! You’re not a journalist, you’re a punk!”
Karem then heckled and insulted Gorka, yelling at Gorka as Gorka walked away, “Go home! Go home! Hey, Gorka! Get a job!”
Another guest told Karem, “Just for the record he (Gorka) could kick your punk ass,” as other guests chanted, “Gorka! Gorka!”
Gorka and the social media summit attendees were there as guests of President Trump. Reporters were there to cover the event. Karem’s behavior should result in him being banned from the White House and for his hard pass to be permanently pulled. In the old days he would have been fired for his unprofessional conduct but he will likely receive a book deal.
Video clips:
After the #SocialMediaSummit @realDonaldTrump invited the conservative influencers to the Rose Garden for his press conf
We got the nice seats & I guess "journalist" @BrianKarem was sad
He tried to pick a fight w/ @SebGorka & then thought betterMy $$$ was on Seb as I note
— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) July 11, 2019
This version cuts off much of the beginning so as to fit the media’s narrative protecting Karem, but it does show Gorka walking away and not engaging any further as Karem heckles and insults him.
Speaking of weird, here’s “Doctor” @SebGorka all but sprinting across the Rose Garden to scream “YOU’RE THREATENING ME IN THE ROSE GARDEN” in @BrianKarem’s face.
(Note: Brian was not, in fact, threatening him).
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) July 11, 2019
Afterward, Jim Acosta played the victim, commenting on another shortened to protect the narrative video clip, “WH officials invited Trump’s social media allies to sit in the Rose Garden. But after the event was over, West Wing aides did nothing when those social media figures began to verbally abuse reporters who were trying to do their jobs. A good snapshot of how press is treated by WH.”
WH officials invited Trump's social media allies to sit in the Rose Garden. But after the event was over, West Wing aides did nothing when those social media figures began to verbally abuse reporters who were trying to do their jobs. A good snapshot of how press is treated by WH.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) July 11, 2019
… in the rose garden of the @whitehouse, @sebgorka just screamed at journalist @briankarem calling him a "punk." then someone remarked that gorka could "kick your punk ass."
again, this happened… in the rose garden.
vid from @katierogers— fake nick ramsey (@nick_ramsey) July 11, 2019
Original version from NY Times reporter Katie Rogers.
Wanted to get the part where a guest at a White House function begins walking toward the press and James O’Keefe is filming and Joy Villa is showing off her FREEDOM gown.
— Katie Rogers (@katierogers) July 11, 2019
This version by C-SPAN shows most of the incident, starting from when the President finished and left.
CLIP: After official White House event on American census, members of the invited crowd exchange words with the media….
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) July 11, 2019
As a sign of partisan take on Karem, Hillary Clinton activist Adam Parkhomenko is urging supporters to follow Karem on Twitter, which Karem retweeted.
Well it is never a dull moment here
— Brian J. Karem (@BrianKarem) July 11, 2019
The post CNNer, Playboy Reporter Brian Karem Who Tangled with Sebastian Gorka Should Be Banned from the White House for Insulting, Heckling and Threatening Guests of the President of the United States appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.