As previously reported by Brock Simmonds
Portland mayor Ted Wheeler reportedly ordered the Portland Police Bureau to stand down and let the far left mob lay siege to the I.C.E. facility in July 2018.
The employees at the building were helpless as they called for emergency services on at least two occasions due to the violence from the unhinged protesters. Police didn’t show up to help.
The I.C.E. employees fought back, threatening to sue the city for a violation of their 14th Amendment rights to equal protection under the law.
The union that represents U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers says on at least two occasions last month two federal ICE employees called the Portland police while being harassed by protesters—but cops did not show up, because the Portland mayor had ordered them not to intervene.
Members of the union, called the National ICE Council, sent Mayor Ted Wheeler a cease and desist letter today demanding he require Portland police to assist federal agents if called upon.
The letter, filed this morning by the union on behalf of employees working in Portland’s ICE office, says that Wheeler’s decision to order Portland police not to assist federal agents was a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, it cites the 14th Amendment, which says the government cannot deny any person equal protection under the law.
A local ICE officer, who spoke to WW only on the condition of anonymity, says two agency employees called Portland police on June 19 when they were blocked from leaving the building in their vehicles. One of those employees told Portland police that protesters followed his truck to pick up his daughter from summer camp and harassed him in the parking lot.
He also says protesters showed up at his Portland apartment building a few hours later. Again, he called police, but says no officer responded.
“This area became like a wild west,” the local immigration officer tells WW.
Chris Crane, president of the national union, says the situation at the ICE building in Portland spiraled out of control because police would not assist federal agents.
“Every person in law enforcement knows there are few things as dangerous or as unpredictable than an angry mob,” Craine says. “No one could have responded quickly enough to protect our employees who were trapped inside this building. All of this because the Mayor of Portland has a beef with the president of the United States.”
Here is the full text of the letter:
I represent the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council (“Council”). The Council and I assert that your current policy forbidding Portland law enforcement agencies from assisting employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (“ICE”) who request law enforcement assistance while at or away from work is a violation of the United States Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. As you are aware, the 14th Amendment forbids the government from denying any person or persons equal protection of the laws. Your policy of not providing police services to employees of ICE creates a class of people based upon their source of income. You have failed to articulate why these people deserve to be the target of your ire and, you have failed to articulate the legitimate government interest protected or supported by your targeting of hardworking citizens. We understand that you have a difference of opinion with the current President of the United States, and some of his policies, but we fail to see why targeting the employees of ICE and leaving them vulnerable to violence, harassment and even death furthers a legitimate government interest. Your policy has created a zone of terror and lawlessness. We ask that you end your policy of not responding to calls for police services from ICE employees immediately. Our membership has been the subjected to threats of physical violence and harassment since you announced your policy.
We are requesting a meeting with you to discuss how you can provide law enforcement services to ICE employees. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to schedule a meeting between yourself and my clients. We would like to avoid federal litigation, but we are prepared to protect our membership and their families.
The attorney representing the ICE officials is pitbull Sean Riddell, who has handled several high profile civil lawsuits over the years. A quick Google search shows Riddell is no stranger to controversy and has remained undaunted in his fight to represent those who have been wronged by government agencies.
Acting “public information officer” for Portland Police Bureau, Sgt. Pete Simpson, has refused to comment on the matter.
The occupy-style protest lasted over a month, where local wackjobs surrounded the ICE building and prevented people from leaving or entering. Some ICE agents claim racial taunts were hurled at them by the far left “progressive” protesters. The camp was finally cleared last week, and protesters left behind piles of trash, human feces, and other junk.
The post Flashback: ICE Threatens to Sue City of Portland after Mayor Tells Police to Stand Down During Antifa Siege of Facility appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.