A Berkeley City Council member who co-sponsored a bill to give “manholes” brand new “gender neutral” names is now claiming that Fox News host Tucker Carlson is a “dangerous, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist goblin.”
Rigel Robinson, a 23-year-old city council member who co-sponsored an ordinance to remove all “gendered” language from the city’s code, rejected an invite from Tucker Carlson’s show to appear and discuss his ridiculous efforts. Instead of quietly saying no, the angry leftist posted the email on Twitter to score some points with the Antifa crowd that his city caters to.
I’m good, actually pic.twitter.com/jJKVhfy77A
— Rigel Robinson (@RigelRobinson) July 18, 2019
“Unfortunately I won’t be able to come on the show,” Robinson wrote. “Tucker Carlson is a dangerous, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist goblin who I am not interested in engaging with.”
The Hill noted that “the ordinance would tackle words like manhole, policemen or policewomen, chairman and man-power. Manhole will be switched to maintenance hole, and manpower will be switched to human effort.”
Tonight, Berkeley City Council adopted first reading of an ordinance responding to my proposal revising the municipal code to include gender neutral pronouns. There is power in language. This is a small move, but it matters. #berkmtg https://t.co/njo58NYgNw
— Rigel Robinson (@RigelRobinson) July 17, 2019
State Sen. Scott Wiener responded to the tweet, cheering on Robinson’s decision not to appear. “A man after my own heart. Great work,” Wiener wrote.
Berkeley was once known for the Free Speech Movement born on its University of California campus in 1964, when students rallied together to demand that the administration lift a long held ban on-campus political activities. It has since become overrun with radical leftist anarchists hellbent on destroying any and all speech that they deem to be “offensive.”
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