Our ridiculous woke culture continues to expand its list of victims.
Kathy Zhu, who had won Miss Michigan in the Miss World America pageant, was stripped of her crown this week. The reason? Supposed racism, insensitivity, and Islamophobia. When you look into the details though, you’ll see how ridiculous the charges are and just how depraved certain segments of our society have become.
Below, she shares an email and text message exchange that better explains the situation.
Miss World America's State/National/Chief Director accused me of being racist, Islamaphobic, and insensitive.
They stripped me of my Miss Michigan title due to my refusal to try on a hijab in 2018, my tweet about black on black gun violence, and "insensitive" statistical tweets. pic.twitter.com/K1Btho0Pgq
— Kathy Zhu (@PoliticalKathy) July 19, 2019
These are the text message exchanges between the state director and me. pic.twitter.com/HtHS1gns6X
— Kathy Zhu (@PoliticalKathy) July 19, 2019
Her “racism” amounted to sharing truthful statistics about black and black gun violence on social media. Her “Islamophobia?” She refused to put on a hijab when prompted to at an event on a college campus and later remarked that it was oppressive. Yes, that’s the extent of it. She simply refused to put on a head covering that is a symbol of forced oppression for hundreds of millions of women across the world. While some may disagree with having that description of the hijab, that’s hardly a reason to strip a woman of such a great accomplishment that she’s no doubt worked incredibly hard for.
When you read the exchanges, it seems like they were searching for a reason to punish her. The nonsense about her name, then all the sudden it’s about social media posts, then it’s about “racism,” which naturally serves a bludgeon regardless of the facts.
Via The Daily Caller.
DeJack specifically referred to a contestant requirement that Zhu be “of good character” and have a background that “is not likely to bring into disrepute Miss World America or any person associated with the organisation,” according to a screenshot Zhu shared.
“Therefore, and effective immediately, MWA does not recognise you as a participant of any sort or in any capacity as it relates to any and all events of MWA,” the email stated.
The shot at her character is especially low. Saying she broke the rules is one thing. Trying to personally malign her is another and they are doing the latter.
The left-wing media are of course lapping this up. Here’s Newsweek’s ridiculous write up.
“Are the people in MWA implying that they advocate for the punishment of women who refuse to wear a hijab?” Zhu added. She did not provide any evidence to suggest the MWA was indeed in favor of punishing women for refusing to wear hijabs.
Right-wing Twitter users began sharing the story, citing it as evidence of anti-conservative bias and political correctness. BlazeTV host Lauren Chen said Zhu was stripped of her title “for highlighting crime rates in some black communities. The fact that these pageant people find her views offensive speaks more to their own bigotry than anything else.”
Music video director Robby Starbuck incorrectly interpreted the incident as proof that “you can’t even participate in a @MissWorldLtd pageant if you’re *gasp* openly Republican.” Conservative musician and activist Joy Villa also misread the situation, falsely claiming Zhu had been blocked from competing because the was a conservative.
MWA did not immediately respond to Newsweek‘s request for comment.
I love the “she did not provide any evidence” line. You know, except them stripping her of her crown over it. How the other personalities mentioned are “misreading” the situation is something Newsweek indeed provides no evidence of though.
Of course, the real reason she was stripped of her crown is simple. She’s a Trump supporter and a conservative, which means she’s not allowed to express herself in even the most mundane ways without backlash. If she weren’t those things, I have no doubt this wouldn’t have happened to her.
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The post Miss Michigan Stripped of Her Crown, Accused of “Islamophobia” appeared first on RedState.