On Friday, the Customs and Border Protection agency released a report indicating that, in less than two months and in only one sector, it’s arrested over 1,000 migrants from multiple African countries.
That’s a lot.
The CBP explained in a statement:
U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to Texas’s Del Rio Sector have arrested over 1,100 people from countries in Africa since May 30.
Sector Chief Raul L. Ortiz made things crystal: When it comes to sneaking into the country, Mexico definitely ain’t the only game in town:
“The apprehension of people from African countries illegally crossing our borders continues to increase. Our agents this year have encountered people from 51 countries other than Mexico including 19 countries from the continent of Africa.”
Africa shows no signs of stopping. And in case you forgot there’s a crisis:
Del Rio Sector continues to see people from the continent of Africa illegally crossing the border into the United States. The majority of apprehensions have been in the Del Rio area, consisting mostly of family units and single adults. For fiscal year 2019 to date, Del Rio Sector’s total apprehensions are in excess of 44,000 illegal immigrants, already more than double the total number of arrests made during the previous fiscal year.
In June, ABC News noted the growing calamity:
Hundreds of migrants from central African countries, including the Republic of Congo, Angola and Cameroon have been apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol in the past month. Federal officials in Texas reported more than 500 people from African countries were arrested in less than a week.
Additionally, in that initial surge was “the largest single group of Africans ever seen by authorities at the southern border.”
We have a problem at the border. And yet, Washington continues to twiddle its thumbs. Or stick them in places they don’t really belong.
Until something more drastic than absurd rhetoric and juvenile arguments over skin color is done, the problem isn’t likely to simply continue; it’s all but guaranteed to worsen.
If Congress needed a reminder, consider the report a good step in that direction.
There’s a Vegas-style sign to the south. It’s flashing and blinking, thanks in part to sedentary Republicans, partisan Democrats, sanctuary cites and counties (here, here, and here), and goofs such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And its message is clear: “Sneak In Here.”
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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