A favorite running joke of the public’s is that Sen. Ted Cruz is the “Zodiac Killer.” Funny enough, it’s also one of Cruz’s favorite running jokes.
According an eagle eye’d Twitter user, that title may need to be taken from Cruz and given to none other than democratic socialism’s crazy grandpa, Sen. Bernie Sanders. The Twitter user found a picture of Sanders as a young man, and it looked highly similar to the sketch of the Zodiac Killer.
“We tried to blame this one on Ted Cruz,” tweeted Kyle Mockeridge.
And we tried to blame this one on ted cruz.
#bernie2020 pic.twitter.com/WM4CCn7uVZ— kyle mockeridge (@kylemockeridge) July 21, 2019
Of course, Cruz watching his Zodiac Killer joke potentially fading away, pondered allowed why socialists are always trying to take things that don’t belong to them.
“Why do socialists try to take things that aren’t theirs?” tweeted Cruz.
Why do socialists try to take things that aren’t theirs? https://t.co/6hz43afj70
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 22, 2019
Many people took this self-deprecation as hilarious, but Sanders supporters were a little less than amused.
Why do republicans enjoy locking children in cages?
— Eric (@EBSinger) July 22, 2019
I do not know any socialists. Oh!! You mean Americans who pay into social security and use public roads. Gotcha.
— Sparklin’ Sunshine
(@johnnatx) July 22, 2019
Let’s play a game…how many times can Cruz say “socialism” or “socialist” on his feed? When that’s all you have to campaign with… pic.twitter.com/axYggOj1OT
— I'm for America (@exelephant2017) July 22, 2019
Why do republicans take other people’s children and lock them in cages?
— Mother of Heroes (@vachon_dani) July 22, 2019
Why does this have anything to do with socialism?
The only "evidence" that Bernie Sanders is the Zodiac Killer is a superficial resemblance to a police sketch, and an anagram. The hair is wrong, the nose is wrong, the ears are wrong.
Also Bernie lived on the wrong coast.
— Accelerationista (@Accelerationis1) July 22, 2019
You and @JohnCornyn pushing the @GOP socialism line is the most shameful thing I’ve seen. I know your lying,but those that believe you are a family values Christian are being led to a woeful path under your hand. I pray for you and my family daily. It is well with my soul. You?
— Wendy McRoberts (@wendy_mcroberts) July 22, 2019
Why do Republicans loot from the middle class and poor with huge tax cuts for the corporations and top 1%, try to take away our health care, pollute the environment, gerrymander and cheat to suppress votes, and lock children in cages?
— LeAnn barber (@LeAnnbarber15) July 22, 2019
Oh Theodore… you realize you’re not fooling anyone by acting like you care, right? We all know that trump’s got you under his thumb & you’ll always be there for him at his every whim.
— FTorres (@FrankT2jr) July 22, 2019
Why do republicans take tax payer money from hard working Americans and give it to the RICH!
— Not Today (@tinyHandsOff) July 22, 2019
Right now, Sanders is having to deal with his own problems. Sanders is beset by enemies on all sides, be it the capitalists, his fellow 2020 Democrat contenders, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders, who might be the biggest opponent Sanders has.
Recently Sanders had to promise to pay his staff $15 an hour after a controversy arose surrounding his campaign due to the fact that he wasn’t paying wages high enough for his staff. Instead of securing the pay for everyone’s jobs, Sanders had to lay off some of his staff and increase hours for whoever remained. Odd, since Sanders is promising this kind of wage for all Americans, but when it comes to pony up himself, his socialism has to take a back seat.
Remember folks, socialism is for the people, not the socialist.
The post Ted Cruz Reaffirms His Status as the Funniest Guy On Twitter at Bernie Sanders’ Expense appeared first on RedState.