In British Columbia, small businesses are facing a gender-identity discrimination lawsuit brought by a man named Jessica Yaniv.
Jessica considers himself a lesbian, and he’s brought over a dozen complaints against women in the Vancouver area who perform female Brazilian bikini waxing but refused to wax his furry female sources of semen.
Five women under the gun are being represented by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
Very strange — women face the threat of being forced by the government to handle a man’s testicles.
Shouldn’t #MeToo have something to say about that?
Here’s the lesbian:
One proud lesbian. I'll never give up fighting for human rights equality. #LGBTQoftwitter
— Jessica Yaniv (@trustednerd) June 16, 2019
The JCCF’s president, John Carpay, says the victims of Jessica’s filings are mostly poor, ESL immigrants.
He also believes it’s likely multiple ladies’ve had to shut down their businesses as a result of the apparently-hairy-balled litigator.
That’s certainly the case of Brazilian immigrant Maria Da Silva — she testified Wednesday that she’s had to close up shop.
The girls who’ve declined to grab gonads have explained that they aren’t qualified to deal with the complexities of male genitalia.
Note to all men searching for scrotum service: If a technician tells you she can’t help because she doesn’t know how to properly rip the hair out of your sack, BELIEVE HER. That’s not something you want done by someone who doesn’t know how.
At an earlier hearing, an esthetician who works on nads to attested that fact — it’s different.
But there’s more at stake than just the ripping of wrinkled skin — some of the women — John asserts — have religious reason for not juggling Jessica.
But Jess says he’s protected:
This is not about waxing. This is about businesses and individuals using their religion and culture to refuse service to protected groups because -they- don’t agree with it or the person and use that to illegally discriminate contrary to the BC Human Rights Code and the CHRC.
— Jessica Yaniv (@trustednerd) July 18, 2019
As relayed by The Post Millennial, Justice Centre lawyer Jay Cameron claims the real victims are those who don’t want to manage Jessica’s lesbian penis:
“Some of my clients have been very significantly affected on a personal level. [Another client also] closed her business, she has been depressed, anxious, sleepless and that has gone on for a period of many many months.”
Win or lose, this is all a very costly endeavor.
The Daily Caller reports:
Even if the women are successful in defending themselves against the allegations of discrimination in violation of section eight of the British Columbia Human Rights Code, the complaint could cost them $10,000, $20,000 or even $30,000 in legal fees, said Carpay. He also believes some women have already paid Yaniv thousands of dollars in settlement money to avoid going to court. The Justice Centre is providing representation to the women free of charge.
Here’s a bit more from TDW:
[C]omments Yaniv has made regarding girls and tampons and girls in locker rooms were introduced in the hearing to assess Yaniv’s credibility as a witness, according to Carpay. Dozens of texts by “Jonathan Yaniv,” which are publicly online, show Yaniv discussing girls as young as 10 to 12 in extremely disturbing terms.
“If I notice a girl that’s nude below and has a tampon string coming out when I’m changing and doing my stuff, is it weird to approach her to ask her for a tampon? or pad? Just to bond with her a bit over period stuff…. I really want to make friends in there, that’s kinda a goal of mine,” Yaniv said.
“If there’s like 30 girls in the change room, how many of them would you say are out there changing freely with their vaginas and tits out?” Jessica Yaniv said under the name “Jonathan Yaniv.”
Whether you’re for or against Jessica, or empathetic or stone(s)-cold toward the women in the hot seat, there’s one thing on which everyone can agree:
At the center of this case…is a nutjob.
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