
CNN Wastes No Time In Lying About New Border Regulations

- Agustus 22, 2019

If their lips are moving, or in this case, if their B roll is rolling.

On Wednesday, the Trump administration released new regulations to supplant the disastrous Flores Agreement, which led to family separation because it did not allow parents and children to stay together after 20 days while their cases are adjudicated. This is common sense and should have been done a long time ago. There is no reason for any child to not be able to stay with their parent while at the same time allowing the legal process to play out in a way that makes sense. Simply releasing everyone was not a solution and only exacerbated the problem as the cartels literally setup child rental services so people could use them to gain access to the interior. Such loopholes also served as a magnet for more to make the dangerous journey.

Given these new regulations will end family separation, you’d think the media would be overjoyed. They’ve spent years at this point decrying the sending of kids to live with relatives while their family’s asylum claims are heard.

But nope. Because everything Trump does must be attacked, even when he’s doing what they originally claimed they wanted (i.e. no family separation), so the media are now saying that keeping families together is even worse…because reasons.

Here’s how CNN dishonestly handled the news per the Daily Caller.

CNN anchor Jim Sciutto told viewers during the 10 am hour that the Flores agreement means families can be held a maximum of 20 days “in the facilities you see here.” The program then cut to a shot of an El Paso, Texas Border Patrol facility featuring migrants behind chain link fences and wearing foil blankets.

The clear implication of the CNN segment was that the family units could now be detained in such Border Patrol facilities beyond 20 days with the new DHS rule.

However, the Flores agreement applies to ICE facilities, not facilities run by Border Patrol.

In fact, family units stay in Border Patrol facilities for a relatively short amount of time — hours or a few days, depending on various factors — before they are either released or transferred to an ICE family residential center.

“Right now families average less than four days from apprehension to release or transfer to ICE. That is a reasonable average at current flow levels and with current operational procedures in place,” a DHS official explained to the Caller.

The residential centers that children and their family members would actually stay in for the duration of their court proceedings look very different than the CNN segment suggested, containing various amenities and programs intended for long-term stays.

In short, CNN announced the new rules but then showed B roll all day of CBP processing facilities instead of the real ICE dormitories these families would actually be staying in. The reason CNN is doing this is to spread the false impression that children are going to be held in cages for weeks on end, something that doesn’t happen.

Here’s the reality. When an illegal immigrant enters the country, they are often entering in remote, inhospitable areas. CBP have to detain them and hold them until they can be vetted and entered into the system. That means a few days in a border processing facility. These locations can not realistically be expected to be comfortable given their locations and the limited resources available. Families of illegal immigrants (or even single illegal immigrants) do not stay in these places for long though. They are quickly moved out to ICE housing, which includes all necessities and many amenities. There is nothing inhumane about keeping families together in these places.

Yet, because our politics are just garbage these days, the media and the left refuse to give credit where credit is due. Instead they mislead, lie, and present false impressions of what’s really going on. For example, the paper of record framed this as the Trump administration depriving illegal immigrants of basic needs because the Flores agreement supposedly guarantees those. This despite the fact that the new regulations actually go beyond the Flores agreement. The dishonesty is just mind-numbing.

The true game here is simple. The only response the left in this country want to the border problem is catch and release. It doesn’t matter that such a policy causes mass chaos on the border and promotes further human trafficking. All that matters is politics and CNN is one of the worst offenders.


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